Please give a warm welcome to author, Timothy Cavinder, who is joining us on tour for his book The Finding.
Everything happens for a reason. How many times have you heard this in your life? Do you believe it? Have you experienced it? Some of the best friends I gotten to know, some of the best love I’ve shared have happened by chance, or was it really chance? In The Finding events occur to the characters by chance leading them to discoveries about themselves that they never imagined. I began writing The Finding one morning after mediating. The title just popped into my head. I had no idea what it meant. I just walked over to the kitchen table opened a notebook and began. Was it a whim? Was it by chance? I don’t know. All I know is that it felt right so I went with it. In the book Horace wakes in the middle of the night with a dry throat, he walks downstairs to get a glass of water from the kitchen only to discover Vivian, asleep and complete naked on the couch. Is this by chance or was it meant to be? More often than not it is best to follow positive feelings or positive situations put before us, whether that be an idea for a book trying to get out or discovering someone beautiful, be they clothed or naked.

The city of River’s Edge has been quarantined due to a rodent borne rabies outbreak. But it quickly becomes clear to the citizens that the infection it is something much, much worse than rabies...The townsfolk are attacked and fed upon by packs of the living dead. Labeling the infected residents “bees” for their tendency to travel in swarms, Gavin and Benny attempt to survive the chaos in River’s Edge while making their way north in search of sanctuary. No one knows what waits outside the quarantined zone, but Gavin and Benny know that to survive, they must escape.
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A synopsis of the story:
The Finding takes place in a small town. It examines the issues of how people who have been emotionally damaged and greatly disappointing by the people and circumstances of their lives somehow manage to carry on with the hope or belief that something or someone fulfilling exist in their future. The story begins when Horace's truck won't start and he gets a ride into town. He needs to pay his property taxes and also to buy a new white shirt. The reason for the new shirt is an impending visit from his older bother Donald and his Bible thumping wife Vivian. Their arrival brings many unexpected twists into Horace's otherwise simple life. While this is occurring Millencent who lives down the street from Horace decides to pack up and go on a quest to find her long lost sister Susan. This quest takes her to several locations where what she eventually finds is a surprise to herself and others. What the main characters end up finding isn't anything like what they expected.
About the author:
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I graduated from Indiana University with degrees in English and History. I have worked in factories, warehouses, as a news reporter and as a chef. My latest endeavor is that of a work at home father, designing and developing websites, writing fiction, and raising two children all the while attempting to hang onto my sanity. The Finding is my third work of fiction.
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7/18 All Things Writing
Sounds like a great book! I'll check it out. I noticed the author has degrees in English and History, which I do to, so I'm inclined to like him already! :D Thanks for the post!