Leo Laporte and Scott Schaeffer are teammates on the ice and roommates off it who also share women. They’ve been coming into Kelly Chase’s bistro after games for months, and they know they want her. As the attraction grows, the men realize they want more than a one-night stand - they want forever. Kelly’s not so sure. Yes, she wants both men. But a permanent ménage relationship? That’s taking giving her heart away to a whole new level, and a chance she’s hesitant to take. Then Leo is injured and Scott’s on the trading block, and she realizes this may be her only shot at true, everlasting love. There are so many questions swirling around inside Kelly’s head. Can she believe in Leo and Scott’s love? And will her business and her reputation survive once people find out she’s with two men?
“I can’t take it anymore!” Leo Laporte, goaltender for the Buffalo Intimidators, glared at his teammates as they glided past him after the third goal in the first ten minutes of the game was scored. “You guys either play some fucking defense or I’ll jam my stick where the sun don’t shine! You got that?” Crouching down into his stance, he banged said stick on each post just as he did before every face-off at center ice. Looking up, he saw the head coach, Tom, waving at him. A quick glance to Tom’s left showed his goaltending partner, Scott Schaeffer, warming up. “Fuck!”
Tom called a time-out, and Leo skated to the bench, bracing for the tirade. “You guys need to get your heads outta your asses, pronto. You’re down by three already and the game’s hardly even ten minutes old. Since you don’t seem to want to play for Leo tonight, we’ll see how you do with Scott in net.” Tom threw a sympathetic look Scott’s way. “Good luck saving anything with these jackasses in front of you.” Tom wasn’t known for mincing words, and tonight was no exception.
Leo opened the door to the bench and squeezed around one of the team’s hulking defensemen as best he could.
Glaring at the man, he thought, Slug’s not good for much tonight. Certainly not getting out of my way.
The guy was built like a tank and made a much better door than he did a window, as Leo could attest on that third goal. The puck had been in the net before Leo had even been able to react.
Leo clapped Scott on the shoulder. “Good luck, man.”
Scott nodded and took the ice. Performing a few quick stretches in the crease, he raised his catching glove to signal his readiness to continue play. Leo sat down, taking a long pull from a water bottle he’d grabbed from the shelf in front of him. No one said a word to him, which was just fine.
The team responded to Scott being in net and scored two goals by the end of the first. Leo stalked into the dressing room, heading straight for the can. Just as he’d planned, by the time he got out, the second period was about to start. Tom told him he was going to continue to play Scott to see if they couldn’t salvage the game, and Leo nodded. It irked him that he’d been left out to dry, but he also knew damn well they’d done the same to Scott in the past. It was one of those weird hockey things no one could put a finger on, and Leo didn’t even try.
After trundling back to the bench for the second period, his stomach growled. The noise caused his mind to wander, straight to the tall, curvy woman with a mess of curls his hands just itched to plunge into. Right now, Kelly Chase was probably pulling her famous apple pie out of the oven at the bistro where he and Scott had been going for dinner after games for nearly a year. Thinking about seeing her made his cock harden inside his jock and he willed it down. Having a hard-on when wearing a cup was a pretty damn unpleasant experience—one he wasn’t eager to go through at the moment.
He’d bet she knew he’d been pulled, but he’d also put money on the fact that if anyone made an ass-hatted comment about why, she’d shut them right up. Kelly knew her hockey, and she watched every game on the big screen TV housed behind the counter at her bistro as best she could in between cooking meals for the customers. He could almost smell her special sour cream apple pie. She only made it on home game days when she knew Leo and Scott would be coming in afterward for their postgame meal. She’d even named it after the team, calling it “Intimidating Apple Pie.” There was sure as hell nothing intimidating about it, but it was definitely sinful, which was just how he liked it.
Thinking about her and her pie brought his mind to other subjects, like what she was most likely wearing that night. It drove him crazy the way she dressed in these cute little light-pink T-shirts with “Kelly’s” emblazoned on the front, right across her ample breasts. Even her chef’s clogs—also light pink—were cute. But her body wasn’t cute. It was sexy as hell. She was all bumps and curves, in all the right places. She wasn’t a dainty little thing, standing only about an inch shorter than his five foot ten, and he loved that about her.It gave him something to hold on to, should he ever be blessed with the opportunity to get into her checkered chef’s pants.
Leo was jerked out of his lust-hazed stupor by the “heads up” shout from his teammates. A puck was sailing right for him, and he automatically knocked it down with his blocker before it could do any damage. He didn’t wear his goalie mask on the bench, and if his reflexes weren’t lightning quick, he would’ve taken a puck right to his grill.
Head in the game, Leo.
Settling back, he watched his team tie it up by the end of the second. During intermission, Tom took both he and Scott aside and said he wanted to put Leo back in. Scott shrugged. He’d always been the more easygoing of the two men. Their combined personalities meshed well, which translated into a successful goaltending partnership and a friendship that had spanned nearly eight years.
Leo stretched out and took the ice for the third. Their opponent seemed momentarily surprised by another goaltending change but recovered quickly and gave the Intimidators a challenge. In the end, Leo got the win by one goal. After accepting the congratulations of his teammates, he bopped Scott on the head as they left the ice together. “Kelly’s is on you tonight, bro,” Scott said.
Leo snorted. He’d been expecting no less. “Not a problem. I hope she made apple pie.”
“She always makes apple pie if there’s a home game.”
They rushed through their postgame interviews and hopped into the shower. Only a half hour after the buzzer, they were climbing into Leo’s Range Rover on their way to Kelly’s. When they walked in, she turned from behind the counter to greet them. Leo caught sight of her luscious tits straining the material of her T-shirt and his dick twitched. He quickly ran his hand over it.
Down, boy.
“Hey guys. Good game, both of you.”
“Thanks,” they answered in unison, sliding onto stools.
“How about some apple pie?” Leo said, licking his lips already. An image of him nibbling pieces of it off of her flew into his head. Man, was he horny tonight…
Kelly put her hands on her hips. “You know better than that. I never let you have apple pie until after you eat a good meal.”
Leo rolled his eyes. “Fine.” Perusing the specials written on a chalkboard underneath the TV, he ordered shepherd’s pie. Scott asked for a chicken souvlaki wrap, and they settled back to relax as Kelly went into the kitchen to make their food. “I fuckin’ love those T-shirts. I’d give up a mil of my salary just to be that T-shirt for a day.”
“Don’t I know it…” Since it was late, Kelly was waiting tables herself, in addition to cooking, and both of them tracked her as she bustled around behind the counter. Coming back over, she poured them both ice waters and plopped silverware in front of them before going into the back once again. There were still a few customers, but everyone gave the Intimidators their privacy here—it was one of the reasons Leo and Scott loved to come here so much. The primary reason, of course, was Kelly herself.
“Okay, so let’s go over everything again—make sure we’re on the same page here,” Leo urged.
“All right. Can’t hurt. We need to present a united front if we’re gonna do this.”
“Exactly. So both of us want her.” They’d been attracted to Kelly since the moment they’d laid eyes on her, but had come to the realization a few months ago that their feelings ran deeper than simple lust.
Scott nodded, his eyes as determined and focused as Leo had ever seen them. “Yes, we both want her, and the only way that will work is if we share her. But we need to make it clear at some point, maybe not right up front, that we want her more than just sex.”
“And we think tonight is the night?”
“She’s definitely intrigued.” Scott paused and Leo could practically see the wheels turning in his friend’s head. “Even when we mentioned a threesome last week, she didn’t run.”
“Yeah, and did you see the expression on her face? She wants it.”
“I think so, too. But don’t forget. We can’t push her too hard. And everything one of us does affects the other. We can’t let her tear us apart, and if this thing starts to do that, we need to reconsider.”
“Agreed,” Leo answered. He held up his fist. “Even now, even with Kelly, bros over hos, man.” The two men did a quick fist bump and Leo relaxed a little.
A few minutes later, Kelly backed out of the kitchen, her arms laden with plates, and both men paused to admire her ass in her tight chef’s pants. She caught them staring and just shook her head, laughing.
Yes, they were done waiting for her to come around. It was time to put Operation Seduction into action.
Copyright 2011, Cassandra Carr
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Luc, Carter, and Jake make up the Buffalo Intimidators' top scoring line and play together both on and off the ice, with a history of sharing women. Each of them is also a client of massage therapist Eva. When they decide they want to be more than just clients, they approach her about having a ménage a quatre.
Eva's been secretly lusting after the guys for months, but was afraid to say anything in an attempt to keep her relationship with the guys on a strictly professional level. Besides, how could she pick just one when such mouthwatering displays of masculinity are spread out on her massage table every day? She agrees to the ménage, but when serious health problems begin to plague members of the team, will she want more than a quick score with her hockey boys?
“Oh, God, that feels so good,” Luc Fletcher said, letting out a long, low moan as sensation arrowed through him. “Yeah, right there. Oh, shit, yeah.” He shifted to give her better access. “You have great hands, babe, you know that? No one’s ever touched me the way you do.”
Eva Saunders chuckled. “It’s my job.”
“I know, but seriously, if we win the Cup this year I’m lobbying to have your name included. Jake and Carter will back me up.”
“I highly doubt the NHL would go for putting someone like me on the Stanley Cup.”
“I’ll make them. You complete me.”
Now she snorted. “Nice one, Jerry Maguire. You just want free services. I don’t give away stuff often, you know.”
“Your skills aren’t the only reason we love you, though.”
“Then why do you love me?” He could hear the laughter in her voice as she dug her elbow into a stubborn knot on his back.
“Because you’re not only the best massage therapist in all of Buffalo, you’re also the hottest.”
“I bet you say that to all the massage therapists.”
Luc twisted to face her. “There’s only you, babe. Well, other than the trainer, but he does sports massage, and he’s a dude. You do all that relaxation stuff. I’m putty in your hands. Besides, you don’t believe me?”
“Why would I believe you? You’re a flirt. Now lie back down so I can finish your back.”
Luc knew better than to argue with her and reclined again, thinking about how happy he was that he’d found Eva.
He reclined on the table again, but wasn’t giving up that easy. He wanted Eva, and had ever since the first time he’d seenHe’d first seen her two months ago when he’d gone into a salon looking for a last-minute haircut and had ended up staying for an hour massage from her.
He’d gone home and told his teammates and best friends, Jake and Carter, about Eva and soon she had taken on all three of them as clients. She really was the best—he wasn’t blowing smoke up her ass about that. But it certainly didn’t hurt that she was also smokin’ hot.
All too soon his massage was finished and he had to suffer through a road trip before he was able to see her again. While they were on the road he’d decided to broach the subject of the 800-pound gorilla and ask his friends if they were as attracted to her as he was.
His linemates felt the same way after he’d introduced . The fact they’d shared women before made for an interesting situation with Eva. Could they convince her to give them a chance?
The three men were ensconced in a booth toward the back of a popular sports bar in Philadelphia. Luc had one eye on the game, where the Philadelphia Freedom were currently battling to tie up the score, and the other on his teammates.
Clearing his throat, he said, “I need to ask you guys something.”
Both Jake and Carter swiveled their heads in his direction. “Shoot, man,” Jake replied.
“I’m not sure how to put this.” Luc rubbed the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger as he tried to articulate what he wanted to say.
“Just come out with it, man,” Carter urged him. “Is it about the game last night in New York? I know we didn’t play well-”
“It’s not that. It’s about Eva.”
“What about her?”
“If I’m right about what I’ve been hearing, and I think I am, both of you are attracted to her. Seriously attracted.”
Jake and Carter glanced at each other and then back at Luc. Carter shrugged. “She’s hot, dude. You know that.”
“Yes, I do, but I think it’s more than that. Am I right?”
“For me it is. I like talking to her. I keep thinking about asking her out, but then the fact that we go there for massages and she sees both of you made it seem like not such a hot idea,” Jake responded.
“I’ve thought about it, too,” Carter admitted.
“What would you say to all of us pursuing her? We’ve shared before.”
“But like this?” Jake asked. “Those were all one-night stands. I don’t just want a one-night stand with Eva. She’s too good for that.”
Luc nodded. “I agree.”
“So what do you suggest we do? Go after her all together?”
“I don’t see any other way to do it. Do you?”
“No. How about you, Carter?”
“Eva’s a cool girl. If she’s willing to take us on it sounds like fun, and if not, no harm, no foul.”
Luc shook his head at his younger teammate’s attitude. Carter still operated in the “I’m invincible, I’m gonna live forever,” vein, whereas he and Jake were both starting to realize there was a finite amount of time left in their careers. Knowing that colored everything Luc did.
“Why don’t we continue to see Eva for our massages and feel her out? Maybe flirt a little more than usual to see how she reacts?”
“Yeah, I can do that,” Jake said, and Carter agreed. They clinked their beer bottles to seal the deal and went back to hoping Washington would defeat Philadelphia.
A few weeks later, Luc was on the massage table again. He and the other guys had been watching Eva and waiting for the right moment to bring up their plan. In a couple of subsequent conversations to the one they’d had in Philadelphia they decided that once they’d laid their cards on the table they’d let Eva decide what she wanted to do without any arm-twisting on their part. As much as they all wanted her, they also wanted her to come to them without reservation or fear.
He’d just tucked the sheet around himself when Eva knocked on the door and entered.
She came over and glanced down at him as he lay face up on the table. “You look tired. You guys had a rough time of it.”
“Yeah, we did.”
“What hurts?”
Luc chuckled. “What doesn’t?”
“Okay, then I guess I’ve got my work cut out for me then, huh?”
“You can handle it.”
“I’m glad you have so much faith in me,” she answered, smiling at him as she pushed her hands down over his shoulders to his chest. “You need to take better care of yourself, Luc.”
“Hockey’s a brutal game, you know that.”
“I do, and I worry about you guys.”
Luc smiled. “I knew we were your favorite clients.”
Eva grinned back. “Humblest, too.”
“Why be humble when you’re one of the favorites of the hottest massage therapist in Buffalo?”
“Right…” Eva answered with a shake of her head.
“Seriously, Eva. You’re hot. Surely you know that.”
“So you’ve said.” She continued to work and he let her, closing his eyes to allow her to knead all the soreness and tension out of his aching muscles. There was one aching muscle he was hoping she would give a different kind of relief to soon. That muscle was about to embarrass him when she lifted the sheet a little. “Turn over, please.” Too late. As soon as he heard her husky voice his hard-on became obvious, tenting the sheet.
He turned, and his hard-on became obvious, tenting the sheet. Usually he didn’t comment on it, but now he made it a point to. “See what you do to me?”
“A good breeze would probably have the same effect.”
Luc grabbed her hand, and her gaze skittered to his. His eyes narrowed. Was that heat in the depths of her big, beautiful brown eyes? His gut told him yes, but there was one way to find out.
“It’s you, Eva.” Clearing his throat, he repeated, “It’s you— –. Aall you. We’ve been coming to you for a couple of months now and you’ve done all of us a world of good. But what we feel for you, it’s more than that. There are probably other places in Buffalo where we could get a massage, but you’ve got something special, baby.” He looked to see how she reacted to his use of the endearment. She didn’t slap him or step back, so he plowed on. “What would you say if I told you me and Jake and Carter share women?” He watched her face again closely as a blush crept up from her neck. The lust in her gaze didn’t diminish, though, and his cock twitched under the sheet. Was it really possible she was as interested as they were?
“Yeah. Can you imagine what it would feel like to have three men focused exclusively on you and your pleasure?” She made a squeaking noise and gave a weak attempt to pull out of his grip. He would never hurt a woman, and if she had really tried to get away he would’ve let her. Instead he ran his thumb over the back of her hand.
“Let’s just finish your massage.” She looked away, focusing on the mural in front of her, and he let her hand go. He’d planted the seed. Now it was up to his best friends and linemates to nurture it.
At the end of his massage Luc pulled five crisp twenties from a roll in his pocket— –, nearly twice as much as she charged for a massage,—and all he could see was the three of them; Luc, Jake, and Carter. And and Eva, her body writhing, back arching, shiny brown hair spread all over his pillow as her mouth opened in ecstasy.
Oh, God, what a picture. I want that.
“Carter said he was coming in later today.”
“That’s right. He’ll be here in a few hours. Jake, too.”
“Be good to Carter. He took a lot of abuse during the game last night. I think they were keying on that sore quad.”
Eva made a note on the paperwork in front of her. “Thanks for letting me know.”
“You be a good girl, now.” Luc put a large, heavy hand on her shoulder and squeezed, caressing the skin bared by the thin strap of her tank top briefly with the rough pad of his thumb before turning and opening the door of her room. “See ya.”
* * * *
Carter Roy met his linemates and best friends, Luc Fletcher and Jake Lofton, for lunch.
As soon as they were seated and had ordered, Luc turned to them. “She’s ready. We need to move.”
“I’m in,” Carter replied.
Luc regarded the third member of their line. “What about you, Jake?”
“I’m all for it, but I wanna make sure this is what she wants. I like Eva. I don’t want to do this if we’re gonna fuck her once and be done with her.”
“I don’t have any intention of this being a one-time thing. I know that’s our usual modus operandi, but there’s no way one night with Eva would be enough,” Luc replied.
“Being with her for more than one night works for me, too,” Carter said. When both Luc and Jake stared at him, he said, “What?”
Jake’s eyes narrowed. “You’re usually the one saying we shouldn’t get involved.”
“And I don’t think we should, but that doesn’t mean we can’t see her more than once. Besides, why are we even worrying about this? We don’t have any idea if she’ll even say yes.”
Jake blew out a loud breath, and Carter wondered about the direction of his friend’s thoughts. He hoped he wasn’t getting his hopes up or expecting too much. “No, we don’t.”
“But are you gonna help?” Luc asked Jake. “I think the only way she’s going to go for it is if she thinks all three of us are into her. She was definitely interested, but she’ll need some encouragement.”
“Are you sure she wasn’t grossed out or anything?”
“Definitely not,” Luc answered. “I mentioned sharing and her hands tightened on me.”
Jake nodded. “Okay. I’ll test the waters.”
“Me, too,” Carter answered.
“We can’t rush this, though. I don’t wanna freak her out.”
“Agreed,” Luc said.
“So we’ll take the next couple of weeks, drop some hints, and see what happens?”
“Sounds like a plan.”
Carter nodded and then sat back as their meals were delivered. It was strange to be looking forward to this. Normally these things just kind of happened, but since they all knew Eva they’d had to take a different tack. He had to admit, his level of interest in her was higher than it was for all those one-night stands the three of them were famous for. He just hoped all three of them were really on the same page. Carter didn’t want to hurt Eva, but he also knew he wasn’t ready for any kind of commitment like his teammates Leo and Scott had made to Kelly. He was pulled out of his thoughts when Luc flicked his ear.
“Ow! What the fuck, man?”
“Where’d you go? We were talking about the game last night.”
“What about it?”
“I didn’t like the way the team responded. I know we won, but we can’t let Boston let get the physical edge like that again. We have to play these guys three more times, and if they think they can come into our barn and run us over, they’ve got another think coming.” Luc crossed his arms over his chest, and Carter knew they were in for another rah-rah speech. Luc could do one of these anywhere, anytime, to anyone.
“We’ll get ’em next time,” Carter replied, shrugging. “And we won the game.—Tthat’s the best revenge there is.”
“They made us look like pussies,.” Luc growled.
Jake broke in. “But we won, dude. Let it go.”
“I’m the captain. I can’t let it go. If I let it go everyone else will think it’s okay to back off.”
Carter rolled his eyes. “Dude, I promise you, we don’t wanna look like pussies any more than you do.”
“I need you guys to back me up on this when I bring it up before the next game.”
“Of course we will,” Jake reasoned. “Don’t we always?”
Luc ran his hand over the back of his neck, and Carter wondered if the team’s response was the only thing bothering him. “What’s going on? What aren’t you telling us?”
“Gardiner challenged me to a fight last night. I didn’t take him up on it, but I might not be able to refuse next time.”
“You’re not a fighter,” Jake argued, and Carter nodded. Of the three of them, Jake was most likely to drop the gloves, but even he only did it seldomly and always to defend a teammate. Carter tended to live and let live. Luc would fight if need be, but Carter knew Tom, the head coach, didn’t want to take Luc off the ice for five full minutes, so he discouraged it.
“No, I’m not, but I may not be able to avoid it.”
“Why don’t you just tell Kinger about it?” Jake asked, referring to the team’s reigning pugilist.
Luc grimaced. “I could, but he’s gonna have his hands full as it is. Besides, having other people fight for me doesn’t sit well, you know?”
Carter shrugged. Sat fine with him. “It’s not your job, dude. Your job is to score goals and keep the team together. If you don’t have give Kinger something to do, he’ll get bored, and nobody wants that.” His lame attempt at humor worked, though, as both Jake and Luc laughed.
“True that,” Jake replied. “He’ll glue your pants together again.”
“I knew that was him,” Luc grumbled.
“Oh, shit, he’s gonna kick my ass. I thought you knew.”
“He’ll never know how I found out. But I’ll get that little fucker.”
“I don’t doubt that.”
Carter watched his teammates banter and relaxed again. As much as he loved hockey, as good as he was at it, and as competitive as he was, he hated all this extra stuff. He just wanted to go out there and play the game. Taking a big bite of his sandwich, he washed it down with a gulp of water and continued to watch the by-play of his friends. He was a lucky man, and if Eva agreed to take them on, he’d be even luckier.
Copyright 2012, Cassandra Carr
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Add Cold as Ice to your GoodReads Shelf
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About the Author:
Cassandra Carr is a multi-published, award-winning erotic romance writer with Ellora's Cave, Siren, and Loose Id who lives in Western New York with her husband, Inspiration, and her daughter, Too Cute for Words. When not writing she enjoys watching hockey and hanging out on Twitter. Cassandra's book Caught was recently named Best BDSM Book 2011 by LoveRomancesCafe.
For more information about Cassandra, check out her website, "like" her Facebook fan page or follow her on Twitter.
Thanks for featuring my hockey hunks today! :-)
ReplyDeleteBoth sound like great reads! I love sports and romance!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE Hockey Hunks!! If only I was 20 years younger, I would so want to be a puck bunny!! I have these on my summer reading list. With 2 1/2 months of reading, my summer is looking to get hotter!
bournmelissa at hotmail dot com
Those were some great excerpts. I'm gonna have to find me some friends someday. Friends with benefits!
ReplyDeleteluvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com
Although I am not a sports fan in real life, I do love a good book featuring sports players. These books sound really good. Thank you for the great excerpts.
ReplyDeletemanning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
I have never been a hockey fan but after reading these excerpts, I am now!
ReplyDeleteI've added these to my wish list.
Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com
I read Cold As Ice and just adored it, can't wait to read Head Games! Awesome post today!