Today I would like to welcome contemporary romance author, Anna Bloom, joining us with her book - The Art of Letting Go!
Meet Lilah McCanon and a Lifelong love of wine.
It’s a question I have been asked quite often: How many bottle of wine did you drink whilst writing The Uni Files – The Art of Letting Go?
Answer: Rather a lot.
It’s not like I needed to drink to be able to access the character of Lilah McCanon –if that was the case then I probably should not have been writing at all. It’s just, you know, you write about a woman who needs a drink to cope with emotional situations and whose probably at her most entertaining after having a few Pinot’s and it kind of rubs off after a while.
It probably highlights my incredibly immature nature but to me there is something rather amusing about a perpetually bad hangover – hell I’ve had enough of them myself.
Whilst I always state categorically that The Art of Letting Go is no way autobiographical I have to admit that I may have snuck in a few of my classic hangovers.
Let’s be honest there are grades of pain when it comes to a hangover and I am pretty sure that I have experienced them all.
There’s the classic niggling headache that does not let up all day and makes you want to eat crisps. Then there is what Lilah refers to as the ‘Lilah Locomotive.’ Come on we all know what the locomotive feels like, it is louder and more brash than the all-day headache and throbs in your head every time you move – the locomotive is normally caused by sharing three bottles of wine with only one friend. Two bottles between two is okay, the third is always a mistake.
Then, well then there is my personal favourite ‘The Alcoholic Bulimic Hangover.’ Now this hangover is created by taking part in the above - the three bottles of wine with one friend but where instead of sensibly calling a cab and going home you have in fact poured the dregs of your bottle into your glass and then called for fresh one. Or worse. A shot of something terrible. At this point in your own mind you already know that you are not going home. Oh no. You’re going to do something bad instead. You’re going to go dancing. You are going to talk to the whole pub like you have known them the best part of forever – you have also told them that you love them all and you can’t wait to see them the next time you are allowed out which will be in about a year once you have lived the embarrassment down.
The next day is spent talking to The Big White Telephone (the toilet) whilst cursing yourself for A. Dancing. B. Singing. C. Hugging. D. Not going home when you should have done.
So there it is, when you are reading The Uni Files: The Art of Letting Go, spare a thought for the amount of lifelong pain I have given to researching the perfect hangover and when you find yourself reaching for a nice glass of Pinot to support Lilah through whatever crisis she is living through then don’t blame me for the hangover. I told you to stop at two bottles!

by Anna Bloom
Goodreads - Amazon
One year. One woman. One Diary. One question: can you ever stop history from repeating itself and if you could what would you do to stop it?
When Lilah McCannon realises at the age of twenty-five that history is going to repeat itself and she is going to become her mother—bored, drunk and wearing a twinset—there is only one thing to do: take drastic action.
Turning her back on her old life, Lilah’s plan is to enrol at university, get a degree and prove she is a grown-up.
As plans go, it is a good one. There are rules to follow: no alcohol, no cigarettes, no boys and no going home. But when Lilah meets the lead singer of a local band and finds herself unexpectedly falling in love, she realises her rules are not going to be the only things hard to keep.
With the academic year slipping by too quickly, Lilah faces a barrage of new challenges: will she ever make it up the Library stairs without having a heart attack? Can she handle a day on campus without drinking vodka? Will she ever manage to read a history book without falling asleep? And most importantly, can she become the grown-up that she desperately wants to be.
With her head and her heart pulling her in different directions can Lilah learn the hardest lesson that her first year of university has to teach her: The Art of Letting Go?
About the author:
Anna Bloom is a contemporary romance writer who writes about life as it happens. Combining a busy schedule of looking after two small children whilst working in a local school and completing The Uni Files series she also spends a lot of time imagining kissing hot guys – all in the name of her art.
Find the author: Website/Blog | Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads
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Thanks so much for hosting a tour stop today!
ReplyDeleteWine and books are definitely a match made in heaven.
ReplyDeleteGreat post and interview :)
This sounds like an interesting book. Will look forward to reading it!
ReplyDeletesounds fantastic! thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteGreat book. Sounds awesome.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a great read!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance to win!
Must add to my reading list. Deb P
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for participating in my tour. Anna.x
ReplyDeleteThis book sounds wonderful. Thanks for having the giveaway.
ReplyDeleteInteresting blurb! Hangovers as research, that's certainly a way to see the silver lining and put everything into your writing.