Expected publication: December 1st 2011 by Sourcebooks Landmark
Courtesy of Publisher
Phillipa Ashley is a bestselling women's fiction author in the UK with over 50,000 books sold and the kind of funny, accessible British voice that U.S. audiences love.
Carrie Brownhill, recently dumped by her fiancé, is determined to get away from men forever. Yet she finds herself stuck in a VW camper van careening through the English countryside with the intriguing Matt Landor, MD, and he seems to be just what the doctor ordered for a broken heart...
Krystal’s Thoughts:
This book is ideal for anyone who has recently broken up with a significant other or enjoys action, romance novels. Carrie has been dumped by her fiancé very near the wedding date. She is not happy; in fact, she embarrasses herself at her ex-fiancé’s wedding. Her friend, Rowena, attempts to console her and take her mind off of the event. Carrie agrees to take a trip.
Not even a trip can go right for Carrie. Rowena is supposed to travel with Carrie; instead, Rowena calls Matt to take her place-supposedly because she gets a new job. Carrie and Matt traverse around the English countryside with more than a few ups and downs.
There were plenty of unexpected relationships along the way; these characters are extremely dynamic in that they do alter their emotions quite often. When Matt discovers that he has not updated his passport and may be stuck for a while, things begin to heat up.
Carrie is easy to connect with; she is bubbly, realistic, and flawed. The latter quality makes her very likable. Matt is harder to connect with; he’s a tad too cocky and devil-may-care to be that down-to-earth savior Carrie so obviously needs. The secondary characters play an important part in that they affect the main characters’ relationship. Matt engages in several relationships while Carrie seems to stick to one guy for the first part of the novel.
The events were fairly fast-paced; the reader may get frustrated with the characters throughout the novel. Overall, the book was pretty good; the author is very good as far as descriptive details and writing style go. This book would be recommended to adult readers.

Krystal's Rating: 3 Wine Glasses - A Good Read
This sounds quite cute, I've added it to my TBR list. :)