Please welcome author, Lyn Austin, joining us with her book - The Auction!
Achieving Your Dreams
In 1973 I started a scrapbook. I don’t why, I knew no one making one like mine. It didn’t have pictures of family or places I had been. I started cutting pictures out of magazines of places I wanted to go. Things I wanted to have; a red convertible, a size ten red dress, (I was a size 20 at the time), and a cabin in the woods, a cruise, etc.
I was a young mother with little income and lots of big dreams. I didn’t realize at the time what I was actually putting out to the Universe. I was saying these are things that I want in my life. For me, at the time it was simply a way of dreaming, my wish book. I continued when I found something I loved and glued in a picture.
Life with four children, a husband and careers soon took over the silly little scrapbook, but I kept it and it moved with us through the years of life and trials, happy events, divorce, death, remarriage and so on.
When I moved to my new home in Idaho I unpacked a box of old book and at the bottom lay that old scrapbook. I tenderly removed it, and sat down to go through the pages once more knowing that I would enjoy seeing what my dreams had been so many years earlier. After I looked at the first two pages I started to shake while flipping through each one faster and faster.
Here is the startling conclusion. At some time in those years of living my life without ever consciously thinking about any of those things in that scrapbook I had attained every single last things I had pasted in that book!
I was stunned to discover that my subconscious had manifested so deliberately and detailed. I will admit that several of the things in my book were silly, but still I had attained every single thing including getting to that size ten.
Then in the wisdom of my maturity I started to wonder how different my life could have been had I put in that first scrapbook things that really mattered. And so at the ripe old age of fifty, I decided to create a new set of dreams. What I am filling it with is the difference between my twenty-year-old self and me now.
I have lots of words in this one such as Peace, Serenity, Hopeand Joy. I have a sign that says Published Author. There’s a picture of a grandmother reading to her grandbabies, an older couple on a cruise, a lady lying in a hammock reading. You get the picture. I still have an occasional clothing item or a way I would like my body to look.
I learned that our thoughts create our future.It’s never too late to put your desires out to the Universe.Make sure you know what you want before you put it out there because you are bound to get it.
Start to look at the details of your life and see if you are creating the life you want. You really do make your own way in this world. It’s all a matter of carefully mapping out your future.
Lyn Austin is the author of The Auction, Carol of the Heart and the soon-to-be-released, The Quiet Storm. The Auction and Carol of the Heart can be found at

Katherine Blake wants a baby. At thirty-three, she has a home and an antique business that she loves, but she is running out of time. Kat hasn’t had a man in her life that she would even consider fathering her child…except her ex-husband.Available at: Amazon | B&N | Smashwords
Michael Blake is for sale. In support of special-needs children, he offers himself up for one week as a prize at a New Year’s Eve local celebrity bachelor auction. The result? His ex-wife buys him to finish the restoration of the hundred-year-old home they bought shortly after their marriage. Or so he thinks. Katherine does expect the remodeling to be finished, but the rest of her plan is more devious. She doesn’t need him to rekindle the one-of-a-kind love that led to their fairy-tale wedding and he doesn't have to atone for the mistakes that led to their divorce, but he does have to...well, deliver.

When I was in my early twenties I noticed that my grandmother spent her spare time reading romance novels, I asked her why she had chosen the genre. She explained that they allowed her to fall in love with handsome men without pissing grandpa off.Connect with Lyn: Website - Linked In - Twitter - Pinterest
I read my first romance novel that year and have been reading ever since. During my grandmother's last illness, I read to her and in those months I decided to write romances. I thought if I can help someone escape for a couple of hours from the pain or boredom in their lives, or help them see and feel a world of love and beauty that would be a worthwhile contribution to humanity.
My message in each of my books is hope. Hope that there’s someone just right for each of us. Hope that even in our darkest hour there is light just around the corner. And hope that even if life circumstances keep you from a great relationship, you can dream and love and smile.
Borough's Publishing Group is offering Lyn Austin's Lunchbox Romance, Carol of the Heart along with a 5-story Lunchbox Romance subscription.
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Lyn Austin's THE AUCTION Blog Tour Schedule
May 27- June 14
5/27- HEA Romances With A Little Kick (guest post & review)
5/28- United by Books (spotlight)
5/29- Riverina Romantics (guest post)
5/30- Romancing the Book (spotlight & review)
5/31- Queen of the Night Reviews (spotlight & review)
6/03- Sassy Book Lovers (spotlight)
6/04- You Gotta Read Reviews (interview)
6/05- Reading Between the Wines (guest post)
6/06- Literal Hotties Naughty Book Reviews (spotlight)
6/07- Flirting with Romance (interview)
6/10- 3 Partners in Shopping (interview)
6/11- Crazy Four Books (spotlight & review)
6/12- Book Lovin' Mamas (interview & spotlight)
6/13- Feeling Fictional (spotlight)
6/14- Book Monster Reviews (guest post)
Lyn Austin's THE AUCTION Blog Tour Schedule
May 27- June 14
5/27- HEA Romances With A Little Kick (guest post & review)
5/28- United by Books (spotlight)
5/29- Riverina Romantics (guest post)
5/30- Romancing the Book (spotlight & review)
5/31- Queen of the Night Reviews (spotlight & review)
6/03- Sassy Book Lovers (spotlight)
6/04- You Gotta Read Reviews (interview)
6/05- Reading Between the Wines (guest post)
6/06- Literal Hotties Naughty Book Reviews (spotlight)
6/07- Flirting with Romance (interview)
6/10- 3 Partners in Shopping (interview)
6/11- Crazy Four Books (spotlight & review)
6/12- Book Lovin' Mamas (interview & spotlight)
6/13- Feeling Fictional (spotlight)
6/14- Book Monster Reviews (guest post)
Crystal, thank you so much for hosting me today on your blog. What a beautiful and elegant site! I look forward to working with you again. I have a book out later this summer called The Quiet Storm. I will keep you posted. Sincerely Lyn Austin