Today I have the pleasure of having author Lucianne Rivers joining us for an interview. Lucianne is celebrating her release of Entice Me, the third novel in her Caldwell Sisters series.
Can you start off by sharing with us a little bit about yourself, please?
I was born and raised in Ireland and studied acting in university there.
What inspired you to start writing romantic suspense?
It’s the genre I like to read so I naturally gravitate toward it as a writer.
You have a wonderful series out, The Caldwell Sisters, which follows three sisters searching for the father they once thought was dead. For readers who are unfamiliar with your works, can you please tell us about this series?
In HOLD ME, THRILL ME, ENTICE ME, sisters Jane, Margo and Allison travel across the world in search of their long-presumed dead father, Zach, finding love and danger on the way.
Each sister goes on an adventure that takes them out of the country, from Guatemala to the Caribbean and into the dangers of Afghanistan; what kind of research did you do for each of these books and have you ever been to these far off places?
Jane’s journey to Guatemala is based on a trip I took there several years ago. It was a nightmare journey. Margo’s venture to the Virgin Isles is based on a vacation in St. Thomas last year. Allison’s flight and drive through Afghanistan is pure fiction.
The newest release in your series, Entice Me, follows Allison Caldwell. What can we expect from her story?
It’s a sweeter story than the first two installments, mostly because Ally is the youngest sister, and the most inexperienced.
She’s young enough to still believe the best of people. She can see the man Robert could be and is underneath his defenses, and she’s hopeful he can deal with his past when she’s offering him true love.
Please describe Entice Me, using only three words.
Thrilling, fast-paced, chemistry-ridden!
Is there one character in the series that gave you a harder time while writing then others? If so, who and why?
Robert was typically stoic. It took a lot to finally get him to show the emotion he’d been suppressing since the rest of his SEAL team died in Afghanistan in 2000.
Are there any more novels planned for The Caldwell Sisters? If so, how many can we expect?
Entice Me completes the trilogy.
What’s next for you?
I’m putting writing temporarily aside to become a police officer.
Thanks so much for stopping by today, Lucianne, it was a pleasure having you over!
by Lucianne Rivers
Contemporary Romance Novella
October 2011
ISBN: 978-1-937044-32-9
Heartsick over the untimely death of her mother, Allison Caldwell isblindsided again by the secret revealed in her mom’s will. Her supposedlydead father is alive, and she and her two sisters must find him in orderto settle the Caldwell estate.
Robert Rivera, private investigator and former Navy SEAL, alerts Allisonto new intel identifying her father as a P.O.W. in Afghanistan. With hersisters out of the country pursuing leads, Allison insists on heading tothe war-ravaged country to find him. Robert doesn’t want his naïve clientto take the risk. He knows what danger lays in that godforsaken land…he’slived through it. Barely.
But Allison is determined to go, and Robert can’t let her travel alone.Reluctantly appreciative, Allison quickly realizes how much she needs hisguidance and protection, and how deeply she longs for his love. Robertstruggles to understand her effect on his battle-weary heart.
The path to Allison’s father is blocked by terrorists, traps andtreachery—all demons of Robert’s past. Can he survive a second round withthe enemy and keep Allison out of harm’s way?

Formerly a stage and television actress, she now manages a non-profit and is NM State Champion in her weight class for Olympic style weightlifting. Long story. Recently she has taken up Crossfit, Jiu Jitsu and boxing.
Find out more about Lucianne and her works at:
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