Our next guest for today is one of my favorite vampire authors, Laura Wright! Laura has this fabulous series that you all might of heard about, Mark of the Vampire, which follow the oh-so-sexy Roman brothers. Please give her and the boys a very warm welcome!
When I walk into the Soho house to check on the guys, they’re nowhere to be found. But I do see Sara and Kate and Ladd at the table near the kitchen. They’re working on something with fabric, but I can’t make out what it is. I move closer.
A huge smile splits Nicky’s features. In fact, all three of them are grinning like fools. Suddenly, Nicholas reaches down and types something into the computer. In seconds, up pops a costume that confuses me. It’s no one famous or infamous. No superhero or yellow banana or Sponge Bob Squarepants. And yet, something is familiar there. A woman, red hair, glasses, computer, coffee stains on her shirt. I can’t put my finger on it.
Writer Lady: What’s going on here?
Kate: Helping Ladd make his Halloween costume.
Ladd: <looks up> It’s my first one!
Writer Lady: That’s great, Kiddo. What are you dressing up as? <I ask because I can’t tell what all the black fabric spread out on the table is about.>
Ladd: <He’s clearly beyond excited and it’s adorable.> A VAMPIRE!
Writer Lady: <I look over at Sara, confused. She shrugs.>
Sara: I know. It’s a little on the nose, but hey…he’s already got the fangs. <She pauses, then asks> You here to see the boys?
Writer Lady: <I nod> They around?
Sara and Kate look at each other, lips curling under teeth, eyes going wide. Are they trying not to laugh?
Writer Lady: What’s up?
Sara: <Turns back to me, amusement in her blue eyes> They’re in library. On the computer. Ordering...<Shakes head> I can’t say it.
Kate: They’re ordering costumes.
Writer Lady: WHAT? No!
Kate: <Laughing now> For each other. They’re taking Ladd out Trick or Treating and they’ve dared each other to wear costumes.
Sara: <sighs> So glad my paven’s mature, you know?
Writer Lady: This I gotta see. <I take off out of the kitchen and down the hall.
All three brothers are seated at the table, crowding around a massive computer screen. Not at all surprised to see me, they wave me over. Alex pats his lap for me to sit down, but I refuse. I think I’ll stand. Sara can get way territorial – even when it’s me.
Nicky: We’re picking costumes for each other. I’m picking Luca’s.
Alex: <chuckles> Lucky bastard.
Lucian: Wipe the shiteating grin off your face, Alex. Save it for the costume I picked out for you. Actually you’re going to need a sneer.
Nicky: <winks at me> We have to wear whatever is picked, regardless of how much it might suck.
Sounds insane...and weird..
Writer Lady: Why?
They all stare at me like I’m nuts.
I’ll never understand guys.
Writer Lady: So, <I nod at Lucian> show me Alex’s costume.
Lucian: <grins, reaches down and types something> Check it out. Ain’t it a bute?
My gaze drops to the screen. I cock my head. Are they serious about this? They’re going out in public dressed like--?
Writer Lady: It’s Elvis. <I’m incredulous>
Lucian: <nods> Awesome, right? The older Elvis too. Rhinestones and everything.
Writer Lady: Alex, why don’t you show me what you have for Nicky. <please let this be better.>
Alexander: <His eyes gleam with excitement.> Doesn’t get better than this!
The screen changes and my mouth drops open. I have no words...except--
Writer Lady: What is that?
Alexander: <looks me like I’m from another planet> Rocky Horror Picture Show. Come on, you’ve seen it. That’s Dr. Frank N Furter.
All I can do is stare at the screen.
Alexander: Nicky will look kick-ass in fish nets.
Nicholas just laughs.
They can’t be serious.
Writer Lady: Nicky, I’m almost afraid to ask, but what did you pick for Luca?
Writer Lady: <I squint> Who is that?
All three boys laugh. Hard.
Lucian: It’s YOU!
I look up.
Nicholas: Luca is going to be you Writer Lady for Halloween.
My cheeks instantly flame. I look at the screen one last time, then get up and walk to the door without another word.
Alexander: Where are you going, Writer Lady?
Lucian: <laughs behind me> Shouldn’t you be calling me that?
Nicholas: Gotta love the holes in the sweat pants and the half-eaten pound bag of M&M’s she’s holding.
I shut the door on their laughter and walk down the hall with my head down.
Laura is graciously giving away a Mark of the Vampire Swag Bag (I am SO jealous!!!) The bag will include goodies like a tote, travel mug, chapstick, trading cards, ect. Open Internationally.
So, what are you dressing up as on Halloween? Leave a comment on this post and let us know to enter this giveaway, then fill out the rafflecopter below! And if you're not dressing up, that's okay. Just tell us what you would dress up as if you were!
I shall be a witch for my grandchildren! I've decorated my black pointy hat with spiders and bats and green tinsel :)
ReplyDeleteIrene Jackson
We don't celebrate Halloween here in Singapore:( Lol, but if we did, I would dress up as... a ninja? Lol, wrap black toilet paper all over myself or something.
ReplyDeleteim not!! usually im a witch or something as we hand out candy but i just moved to a very rural farm.. needless to say, no trick or treaters!!
ReplyDeletemy fav costume i had was pippi longstockings though!
alainala AT hotmail DOT ca
Im going to get the chance to dress up this year :(
ReplyDeleteI thank you for the great giveaway:)
I love her work!!
elliott2668(at) yahoo(dot) com
I think I am dressing up as a zombie this year.
ReplyDeleteI'm dressing as a witch this year to hand out candy.
Don't celebrate halloween here in Aus. but if I was to dress-up I would be Lara Croft: Tomb Raider!
Great giveaway! I love Laura Wright!
ReplyDeleteI will be dressing up as Cat from Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress Series. Happy Halloween:)
Haha I will probably dress as a New Orleans Saints fan. Since I am one I have all I need to get by!!!!
ReplyDeletei dressed up 1 year, in a wedding dress with pillow underneath to make me VERY pregnant ,veil and all
ReplyDeleteLike a zombie !! Love the guys !!
ReplyDeleteLove the costumes to Brothers picked..LOL
ReplyDeleteI won't be dressing up this year. If I did I would dress up as Eve Dallas from the In Death series.
koonie2888@yahoo dot com
I won' be dressing up but if I would it be a historical witch, Salem witch style.
ReplyDeleteI'm not dressing up this year...but if I did I'd think up and make something original.
ReplyDeleteI would love to see the Roman brothers dressed up in their costumes. lol That would be awesome! I am not sure if I am dressing up yet (depends on the how cold it is) but if I do I am going to be Wilma Flintstone.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway!
If I dress up this year (Depends how much time is left after getting kids ready!) I'll be a he/she/it. I sewed a set of my clothes to a set of my hubbys, including hat :-)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the giveaway!
-Dawn aka dawnmomoffour
Nothing for me this year ;) If I was going to dress up I'd probably go for a Faerie of some sort.. love the wings! :) My son is going as a ghost ;)
ReplyDeleteAwesome giveaway :) Love me some vamps ;)
paranormaladdicts at yahoo dot com
I'm only dressing up to hand out candy. I bought a light up wig at Disney World last month to wear and a Disney Halloween t-shirt. I hope that it's not too cold out.
ReplyDeleteknitrix29 at gmail dot com
I'm not really dressing up since I don't get any trick or treaters. I will have on my orange Halloween t-shirt with the black cat and my witches hat - just because ;).
I was thinking of dressing as an Angel! Had to go with the complete opposite of what I really am!! lol
ReplyDeleteI'm dressing up as myself with a Halloween t-shirt thrown on as a bonus! Happy Halloween! brendem7@comcast.net
ReplyDeleteI am not dressing up but, if I did I would dress up like a Dominatrix! I just don't want to scare the kiddies in the neighborhood!!
ReplyDeleteI don't dress up. But if I had to and had some place to go...and money were no object...I'd dress up as a sexy pirate wench!
I am dressing up as a gypsy :)
ReplyDeleteI will not have the chance to dress up this year...bummer. But I wanted to go as Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas.
ReplyDeletemljfoland AT hotmail DOT com
A fallen Angel.
ReplyDeleteI won't be dressing up for Halloween this year.
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna be a grandma. Cause I am a grandma. Lol. I love this series. Thanks for the giveaway. Great post.
ReplyDeleteI shall be a witch :p.. a sexy one..
I don't dress for halloween. But, if I did, it would be something like a lady at a masquerade ball.
ReplyDeleteElizabeth Gray
I'm not dressing up this year, my kids freak out if they see someone in a mask, or face paint so until they are a little older I won't be dressing up =D
I'm not dressing up this year, husband will be out of town so I'll be occupied with my 3 kiddos and getting them ready. Hopefully next year
ReplyDeleteI'm not dressing up this year but I'd love to dress up as a fairy! I want beautiful wings!
ReplyDeleteI'm not really dressing up as anything this year. But last year I was Elvira. I still have the costume. ;) Happy Halloween!
ReplyDeleteLadyVampire2u AT gmail DOT com
We don't celebrate Hallowen over here, so I'm not dressing up, but I'd like to!
ReplyDeleteI have the cutest Snow White costume! Can't wait to wear it. :D
ReplyDeletei will be a gothic/punk witch for Halloween! I am excited!
ReplyDeleteareeths at new dot rr dot com
I am not dressing up this year. So Ill be in the standard tshirt and jeans.
ReplyDeleteI'm not dressing up, but I will stay in my jeans and public appropriate t-shirt instead of changing into gungy sweatpants and a tattery old t-shirt until the trick or treating time is over.
Unfortunately I won't be dressing up, I'll be in normal clothes taking my sorceress daughter out and around this year.
ReplyDeleteGoing as the Wicked witch of the East
ReplyDeleteNothing :( It's not really celebrated where I live.
ReplyDeleteI didn't dress up this Halloween... but if I did, I would have been a witch!
ReplyDeleteI dressed up as a dark priestess. It was fun.