
Saturday, July 20, 2019

#Interview with Lenora Bell of One Fine Duke + #Giveaway

Lexi: It’s lovely in the countryside this time of year, but our guest today is going to take us into the city for London’s Season, and we can’t wait to meet Mina’s Duke! Welcome, Lenora Bell!

Hi Lexi! It’s so lovely to be here. Thanks so much for hosting me!

Lexi: ONE FINE DUKE sounds simple on the surface, but there’s so much more to Mina and Drew. She’s heading back to London for the Season, but her ulterior motives are to weasel her way into the family spy business. Though her plans take a surprising turn. Can you tell us about the situation with the Duke and his lips?

Well Lexi, Mina is a young lady with a plan. She knows exactly what she wants—to join the family spy business by marrying Lord Rafe Bentley, one of her uncle’s spies. There’s only one very large, very distracting problem: Rafe’s brother Drew, the Duke of Thorndon. He’s determined to stop Mina from making the biggest mistake of her life and marrying Rafe. He’ll use any means necessary to stop her…even if it includes kissing the girl himself ;-)

Lexi: It’s a good thing Mina’s stubborn, because Drew needs help tracking down the source of the kidnapping note, and he needs her more than he knows. Besides being strong-willed, what would you say your favorite trait of Mina’s is?

I love Mina’s fearlessness– she just throws herself headlong into every situation with exuberant abandon. Sometimes we get to live through our characters and Mina’s bravery was fun to write…and live.

Lexi: ONE FINE DUKE is a romance with a thrilling, spy component, but it’s also a story about trust, and trust is powerful. Can you name one thing that trust changes for Drew?

You’re exactly right! Trust is at the heart of this book and it’s on every page. Drew had such a traumatic experience in his childhood that he has difficulty trusting not only other people, but also his own reactions and emotions. Working side by side with Mina he discovers hidden rooms behind bookshelves and hidden chambers in his heart. Trusting Mina with his secrets teaches him that hiding all of his emotions away is no longer an option.

Lexi: Action, witty banter, and romance. What a perfect book! Thank you so much for stopping by the blog, Lenora! And a huge congrats for ONE FINE DUKE! Cheers!

Thanks so much! I’m thrilled that you enjoyed the book. I’d love to give away a signed copy to one commenter (U.S. shipping only). xo LB

39097886One Fine Duke
(School for Dukes #3)
by Lenora Bell 
ebook, 384 pages
Expected publication: July 23rd 2019 by Avon
ISBN 0062692453

Raised in the countryside by her overprotective uncle, Miss Mina Penny's dream of a triumphant London season is finally here. She determined her perfect match long ago: Rafe Bentley, the wickedest rake of them all. There's only one very large, very unyielding obstacle: Rafe's brother Andrew, the reclusive Duke of Thorndon.


This was supposed to be simple. Duke goes to London. Duke selects suitable bride. Love match? Not a chance. But when Drew meets Mina, she complicates everything. How can a lady armed with such beauty and brains fall for his irresponsible degenerate of a brother? Drew vows to save her from heartbreak and ruin, no matter the cost.


But Mina is no damsel in distress. She's daring, intuitive, passionate...and halfway to melting Drew's cold heart. And although Mina thought she knew exactly what she wanted, one breathtakingly seductive kiss from Drew changes everything. Now Mina must decide between long-held dreams and dangerous new desires. Could her true destiny lie in the arms of a duke?

And don't miss...

Author Bio:

Lenora Bell is a USA Today bestselling, award-winning author of historical romances. A teacher with an MFA in Creative Writing, Lenora has lived and worked on five continents. She currently lives in New Zealand with her carpenter husband and two tiger-striped rescue kitties. She loves hearing from readers! Sign up for her mailing list to hear about new books, sales, and giveaways.


As Lenora mentioned, she is giving away one signed copy of One Fine Duke to one reader today, US only please. To enter, just leave a comment for Lenora and fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Good luck! 


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