
Thursday, March 16, 2017

Reasons Law Enforcement Agents Make the Best Book Boyfriends with Tamara Morgan of Stealing Mr. Right + #Giveaway

Top 5 Reasons Law Enforcement Agents Make 
the Best Book Boyfriends

Ah, book boyfriends. They’re the best, aren’t they? They never leave the toilet seat up, their breath is always minty-fresh, and their post-argument groveling is practically guaranteed. In the romance world, they also tend to sport six-pack abs and have mad skills both inside the bedroom and out of it.

If you’re like me, your book boyfriends are also the type to honor, cherish, and protect. There’s just something extra swoon-worthy about law enforcement agents, whether they’re FBI agents like the hero of Stealing Mr. Right or men in another type of uniform. Although I could probably spend hours listing all the reasons why a man with immediate access to a pair of handcuffs is an ideal mate, I’ve narrowed the list down to my top five.

1. Competence Porn: I am a big advocate for professional competence—especially in someone who wields a considerable amount of authority. There’s nothing hotter than a man who knows what he’s doing and isn’t afraid to do it. And when it’s the heroine’s life on the line? Oh, yeah. Give that man some mad skills and let him loose to do his thing. He’ll never disappoint.

2. Shoulder Gun Holsters: As a general rule, I don’t care for firearms. They’re loud and scary and dangerous in a world that’s already so many of those things. HOWEVER. A well-sculpted man with a shoulder holster is one of the hottest things I can imagine. There’s something about the combination of pecs, biceps, and tight-fitting leather straps that gets to me every time.

3. Concern for Fellow Humans: Although I’m sure everyone who enters law enforcement does it for their own reasons, I can’t help but believe that the majority are motivated by an honest drive to make the world a better place. That innate core of honor is so powerful, especially in a story where love is at the center.

4. Bro-Camaraderie: I love a group of rough, tough, inarticulate men who would do anything for the other guys in their lives. Law enforcement agents usually have a built-in team of friends and co-workers they would do literally anything to protect. (And those friends are usually single, good-looking, and signed up for sequel, which doesn’t hurt!)

5. High Stakes: Probably the best thing about a book boyfriend with a dangerous, high-adrenaline job is that he heads out to confront danger every day of his life. He literally has everything to lose each time he heads out on the job—but he does it anyway. This usually means that when he falls for the heroine—and you know he will—he’ll do it hard. Life big, love big. It’s the perfect combination!

26160213Stealing Mr. Right 
(Penelope Blue #1)
by Tamara Morgan 
Kindle Edition, 416 pages
Published March 7th 2017 by Sourcebooks Casablanca
I'm a wanted jewel thief. 
He's FBI.
What's that saying? Keep your friends close...and your husband closer. 

Being married to a federal agent certainly has its perks.

1. I just love the way that man looks in a suit.
2. This way I always know what the enemy is up to.

Spending my days lifting jewels and my nights tracking the Bureau should have been a genius plan. But the closer I get to Grant Emerson, the more dangerous this feels. With two million dollars' worth of diamonds on the line, I can't afford to fall for my own husband.

It turns out that the only thing worse than having a mortal enemy is being married to one. Because in our game of theft and seduction, only one of us will come out on top.

Good thing a cat burglar always lands on her feet.

About the Author:
Tamara Morgan
Tamara Morgan is a contemporary romance author of humorous, heartfelt stories with flawed heroes and heroines designed to get your hackles up and make your heart melt. Her long-lived affinity for romance novels survived a B.A. degree in English Literature, after which time she discovered it was much more fun to create stories than analyze the life out of them.

Sourcebooks is offering to give away 1 print copy of this book (US only please), to one reader! To enter, just fill out the rafflecopter below. Good luck! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'd go with the uniform. Nothing sexier than a good looking guy in a uniform!

  2. Law enforcement heroes are usually strong and resourceful. The uniform is definitely a plus.


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