
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Highland Heart by Heather McCollum (Guest Post/Giveaway)

Today I would like to give a warm welcome to a new-to-me author that I have come to love who writes about some sexy Highlanders, Heather McCollum!

Thank you so much for having me today on Reading Between the Wines! I’m very excited to be here to talk a little about HIGHLAND HEART (HH), my novella that was just released by Entangled Publishing. HH is set in 16th century Scotland, fifteen years before my full-length novel CAPTURED HEART (CH), even though it was written after it. My wonderful agent found an opportunity for me to be part of an anthology, but I had to write a story that was under 13,000 words. This was a huge challenge for me since I usually run around 100,000 words. I loved the world of CH, the rugged warriors in low-slung kilts and the sharp, powerful women who captured their hearts, so I dug into that world for my novella. When CH was released, Entangled Publishing was interested in publishing HH as a stand-alone since it was the prequel. 

I have the upmost respect for authors of short stories. Every single word matters and must really contribute to the impact of the story. This was an exercise in tight prose for me. Some have complained that HH is too short. I agree. I’d love to write more about Rachel and Alec, but it was meant to be something short to explain the start of the HIGHLAND HEARTS series. The series will include at least two more full-length romances set in the early to mid 16th century. I’ve just turned in the sequel to CH to my fabulous editor. TANGLED HEARTS follows Ewan down to Henry VIII’s court – lots of royal intrigue and fun!

I’ve been asked for my 10 top must have’s when dealing with a Highlander. LOL! This is a great question. We must all be prepared for that rugged, low-slung-kilted Highland chieftain we might encounter when running our errands (we can always dream).

  1. Chapstick. The air is cool in the Highlands and you know he’s going to ravish your lips with his kisses.
  2. Moxy. “Attitude of fearlessness in everyday circumstances” We all have it ladies (think Mama Bear), even if you don’t see it always in yourself. When you meet your Highlander face to face, let it roll out of you. He’ll respect your spunk and courage.
  3. Sturdy legs – no fainting from all those male pheromones bombarding you. You don’t want to miss anything.
  4. Pie – okay, maybe you don’t need pie, but I love pie and so do Highlanders.
  5. A clean hoo hoo. Let’s face it; you know it will be the day that you forget to shower after the gym when you run into Laird McGorgeous. So keep clean ALWAYS just in case.
  6. A few good Gaelic curse words to catch him off guard so you can run away. A Highlander definitely likes a good chase!
  7. Some back up chemises/nightgowns because your Highlander will probably rip a couple off you before you remember to just not wear them at all.
  8. A well-stocked first aid kit. Those Highlanders tend to get a right many boo boos. 
  9. Whisky, if not for him, then perhaps a wee dram for yourself.
  10. A brave heart ready to face the challenges of a frustratingly stubborn, overbearing, stronger-than-a-mountain, melt-your-heart, honorable, loving, lickable, wonderful man with a make-me-shudder Highland brogue. 

Speaking of the Highlands, have you visited there? My husband and I traveled through the windy roads of western Scotland fifteen years ago. When I wasn’t clinging for dear life to the seat (on the wrong side of the car) as we crawled through sheep on a one-lane track around a mountain, I was completely enthralled with...everything. 

Scotland, just like the Highland hero I love to write about, is larger than life. The land is rugged and brutal, but in its honest grandeur, it’s thrilling and fresh and full of spirit. The Highlands don’t need skyscrapers or theaters or shopping malls to entertain visitors. The people, the shaggy cows, the stone circles, the ruins and moors – the very air itself rejuvenates the spirit with its tantalizing freedom. To build the Highland world for the reader, an author must capture this essence through a smattering of details interwoven throughout the story.

When I visited I immediately understood why Highlanders of old would fight to the death for their beloved home. History and tradition is everywhere. Magic seems to float on the wind. One need only contemplate the sparkling loch against the backdrop of the mountains to feel the passion and romance of the place. Sigh and smile...We are headed back there this summer, this time with our three kids in tow. I’m thrilled to show them why I spend my days writing about the people of this amazing country. 

Thank you so much for inviting me here today. I hope the magic of Scotland will wrap you up cozy tight in my romantic adventures!

Highland HeartHighland Heart
by Heather McCollum
Kindle Edition, 55 pages
Published December 17th 2012 by Entangled Publishing
ISBN13 9781622669950
Englishman who swindled his father. Set on retribution, he’s caught off-guard by the thief’s beautiful daughter, a lass whose beauty and spirit leave him questioning the value of revenge.Rachel Brindle has a secret: she can heal people with her magic. While journeying with her father and sister into the Highlands, she becomes a prize sought between two warring clans. She must use her cunning and her healing magic to prevent the same slaughter that started the blood feud a century ago. But when her secret is exposed, will it condemn her in the eyes of the barbarian who has capture not only her family, but also her heart?
Purchase at; Barnes & Noble and Amazon

Entangled is giving away one digital copy of Highland Heart to one reader. To enter, just leave a question or comment on this post for the author and then fill out the Rafflecopter below. Additional entries are available but not required. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I loved both Highland Heart & Captured Heart!! I cannot wait for the next one!
    How did you decide to give Meg, Rachel & Isabel healing powers? I really liked that element in the stories. :)

  2. Great list! Looking forward to reading this book. Have a wonderful day! :)

  3. Very nice post. Will this book be part of a series, or is it
    a stand-alone?

  4. Do you only write about the Highlands?

  5. Do you only write about the Highlands?

  6. Love me a Highlander! Will this book be in a series?

  7. Some of my fave books are about highlanders. This sounds like an awesome read. I can't wait to get started. Cute list.
    lorih824 at yahoo dot com

  8. Loved the excerpt! Can't wait to read. Thank you for sharing! :)


  9. Thanks for the great advice. Is this the voice of experience?
    debby236 at gmail dot com

  10. The book soundsgood, I love any and all books about Highlanders

  11. Highlanders and magic? Count me in!! :D

  12. Yeap, highlanders can't be missed and I totally love that lore, I sure want to read this.

  13. I'd love to visit Scotland! It seems such a beautiful & mystical place not to mention the lure of them Highlanders! I'd definitely take your 10 must have's under consideration if I go =)

  14. Congrats to Heather on the new release! Sounds fantastic :)

  15. I love Highlanders! This book sounds great!


  16. Love this and can´t wait for my chance to read more, =) i´m always in the mood for a Highlander ;D
    Happy Saturday!
    fr_larsson at hotmail dot com

  17. Love the top 10 tips. Cant wait to read the book.


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