
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Review: Shadows Before the Sun by Kelly Gay

Shadows Before the Sun
Charlie Madigan #4
by Kelly Gay
Mass Market Paperback, 352 pages
Published July 31st 2012 by Pocket Books
ISBN 13: 9781451625486
copy courtesy of publisher

The electrifying sequel to the acclaimed urban fantasies The Better Part of DarknessThe Darkest Edge of Dawn, and The Hour of Dust and Ashes!
After filling out mountains of paperwork, Detective Charlie Madigan sets out for a death-defying trip into heavenly Elysia to rescue her partner Hank and bring the siren home. Of course, she doesn’t expect to leave behind an all out siren revolution or return home to find that jinn crime boss, Grigori Tennin, has begun a massive search for the divine being, Ahkneri. Tennin’s tactics set off a chain reaction that puts Charlie in the crosshairs of the shadowy creature known as Death and awakens Ahkneri from her long sleep. And when Vengeance rises, Atlanta will never be the same.


Purchase at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and The Book Depository

Lexi's Thoughts

Gay has done it, with Shadows Before the Sun she manages to surpass the the action and emotional connection the previous books had. Who would have thought it was possible! 

The end of book three leaves you hanging just a little. Death is stalking Charlie, her sister is safe but still addicted to ash, and Hank has been taken back to his home to face the wrath of three powerful beings. You can breathe a sigh of relief, well not once you start since there are plenty of bombs dropped on Charlie right away...but once you reach the end you will have some relief. 

Charlie is determined to find Hank, no matter how grim the outlook. She travels to Elysia with, surprise surprise, the Oracle! Not exactly friends, but not enemies either they do provide some comic relief to the dark and serious happenings. Finally able to face the three Circe Charlie gives into her power. The repercussions from her choice will be felt far and wide, even more so after she returns home and still has to face Death. 

Shadows Before the Sun has a perfect ending. You even get to see Charlie through someone else’s eyes. As perfect as it was, you will still be itching for another Charlie Madigan book. Please, please, please keep writing them Kelly!

 Rating: 5 Wines, loved it go buy a copy now.

1 comment:

  1. Hadn't heard of this series before but they look pretty good. I'll TBR them. Thanks for the review! :D


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