
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

READ, HOT & BOOM with Katie Reus (Guest Post/Giveaway)

Good morning lovelies and a Happy 4th of July to all my friends state-side! Today we are welcoming back the fabulous Katie Reus who is joining us with a wonderful 4th of July story of her own and celebrating the release of her romantic suspense, Danger Next Door

Thanks so much to Crystal for having me here and on a holiday!

I absolutely love the Fourth of July. For those of you who live in the United States, I think a lot of you will concur. It’s just such a fun holiday. Barbeques, bathing suits and fireworks? Yes please! For as long as I can remember I’ve always spent this holiday either at the beach (I grew up in Florida) or at a lake water skiing and barbequing so my fond memories are many! Nine years ago today was supposed to be the first date for my now-husband and me. But…he never called. I had bought this adorable red, white and blue outfit, had a pedicure, and was ready to hang out with this hot Marine I’d been hoping would ask me out for a while.

So the day arrived and still no call from him. He’d pursued me quite intently so to say the least I was annoyed, but I went out with my friends and had a great time. Though I did seethe a little about what a jerk he was. Two days later he showed up at the bar where I was working (I was a bartender during college) with this hesitant look and I was annoyed he had the nerve to show up after basically standing me up. He told me he tried to call me but thinks I gave him the wrong number. Indignant, I told him I most certainly did not until he pulls out the piece of paper with my number scribbled on it and…I’d accidentally inverted two of the numbers! To this day I’m so thankful he did have the nerve to come and see me because I don’t want to imagine my life without him. This holiday will always hold a special place in my heart and I hope whatever you’re doing today, you have a safe, fun day!

So, what’s your favorite holiday? One random commenter will be entered to win a copy of Danger Next Door, my most recent release.

Danger Next Door, (Book 2 Red Stone Security series): A contemporary beauty and the beast themed romantic suspense.

After an explosion leaves detective Grant Caldwell scarred he quits his job and tries to hide from his well-meaning family while he heals. When Belle Manikas, a beautiful new neighbor, moves in next door with problems of her own he finds himself drawn to her even while he tells himself she’s nothing but trouble. Even though he knows he’d never have a chance with a woman like her—not with his disfigurement—he can’t stay away. Thanks to severe health problems as a child Belle grew up sheltered and smothered by her loving, if overbearing, family. Now that she’s finally out on her own she plans to wring everything she can out of life. When she sets her sights on her brooding neighbor nothing can stop her from getting him into bed—until a madman fixates on her.
 With Grant now working for Red Stone Security, he sees it as his duty to protect her at all costs. Unfortunately a violent criminal is stalking Belle and will stop at nothing until he’s destroyed her.

A little about me: I’ve been reading romance since a young age—ever since I discovered my mom’s hidden stash. Luckily the addiction stayed with me into adulthood. I write paranormal romance and sexy romantic suspense for Carina Press, Harlequin Nocturne, and NAL/Signet Eclipse. To learn more about me please visit my website, my blog, facebook or find me on twitter @katiereus.

As Katie mentioned above, she is giving away an eBook of Danger Next Door. To enter, just leave a comment on this post answering Katie's question and then fill out the rafflecopter below. Additional entries are available but not required. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Katie that was a great story. A marine always get the job done. I love all holidays because its a chance for family to get together. I guess if I had to pick one it would be Christmas Eve. My husband asked me to marry him on that day many years ago.

  2. I think Christmas is still the Holiday that most moves me; when you talk to people they are so much happier at Christmas,cheery and friendly in a way they aren't the rest of the year!

  3. I love all the holidays, but Thanksgiving, July 4th, and Labor Day are my favs. Thanksgiving for the food, the 4th for the fireworks, and Labor Day because we got married that weekend.

  4. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love the smell in my kitchen as everything cooks and it's a given that all the kids will be home :).

  5. I love Labor Day - It's silly but nothing is expected of you except to have fun and be lazy! :)

    brunettelibrarian AT gmail *d8t* c0m

  6. Thanksgiving and Christmas are my favorite holidays. To me this time of year feels so comforting. I love the colors, smells, and knowing that I will get to see family members that I only talk to on the phone or net...
    koonie2888 at yahoo dot com

  7. Does my birthday count? If not I love Halloween!

    Thanks for the giveaway!<3

  8. Halloween is my fave. Love the costumes and food ;)

  9. My favorite holiday has to be Christmas. I just love wrapping presents and putting up holiday decorations.

  10. Congrats on the release. Thanks for sharing your story. A Marine perseveres until they get the job done. Good for you(and him).
    This book sounds like a winner. Can't wait to read it.
    My favorite holiday is the 4th of July with all the cookouts, family, and fireworks.


  11. definitely Halloween. Call me weird but u love fantasy and dressing up. And we throw the best Halloween parties. just saying. I do not think Halloween is an actual holiday... but to me it is. :)

  12. I love christmas best with the family.
    Irene Jackson

  13. We don't celebrate holidays, or birthdays, due to my mother in law's religion. But I do love Thanksgiving time. Any excuse to eat a bunch of turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, etc. is a good time for me, even though we do it a few days early or late, LOL.

    This book sounds really good. Would love to win the chance to read it.

  14. New Years is my favorite holiday. As a kid, it was when the whole family got together and we ate a lot of food and played a lot of games. great memories!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I love Christmas & Halloween: Christmas for the giving spirit of Christmas and the celebration of a special baby's birth, Halloween for the costumes. Thanks for the giveaway. I can't wait to meet you in N'awlins in August.

    jlkg102961 AT yahoo DOT com

  17. My favorite holiday is definitely Christmas!

  18. Halloween is my favorite holiday. I like Thanksgiving also unless it falls on my birthday.

    geishasmom73 AT yahoo DOT com

  19. My favorite is the 4th of July. I love the fireworks, the BBQs and spending time with friends and family.

  20. I think the family holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving or 4th of July are the best. It's the time when family gathers and catches up on the goings on from the last time you got together.

    Elizabeth Gray

  21. I love Christmas!! It is a great time of the year..Love everywhere and our CHrist and Savior was born!! I will be at AAD this year and can't wait to meet you!! Hope I win your book!!

    aka Kathy

  22. I guess my favorite is Christmas. It is a great family holiday and I have always loved watching children enjoy the day. Also, it reminds me of my grandfather so much. He always loved it, and would read the story of the first Christmas aloud each year.

  23. My favorite is Halloween. I love to decorate and the kids love to trick or treat. The 4th would be second, we get to see alot of family around then with summer travel.

  24. I love halloween. I love dressing up, decorating, carving pumpkins, and taking the kids trick or treating. I love taking the kids to the store and picking out costumes to dress up. I also love doing the school thing with the kids, the parade3 and halloween party. Have katies first book from this series in my TBR pile and can't wait to read it. This book looks great also. Thanks for the giveaway.

  25. I look at my birthday as a holiday and that's my favorite one.

  26. I love Christmas. It has more religious meaning than any other holiday.

  27. congrats on the newest release! Thanks for a fun post and giveaway!

    I love Christmas, for all the obvious reasons :)

  28. Loving all your answers! And I'm really excited to see that some of you will be at AAD next month ;)

  29. Halloween or Samhaim is my favorite- perfect weather and such fun.No heavy emotions or expectations. sdylion(at)gmail(dot)com

  30. I love Christmas and 4th of July. They've my favorites!

  31. This sounds like a FAB series! I like Thanksgiving...a day to remember what you're thankful for...a day full of family and a warm kitchen full of YUMMY good food!!

    barbbattaglia @

  32. What a wonderful story! Thanks for sharing it!

    My fave holiday is Christmas. I love the merriment of gift giving all around.

  33. My favorite is Christmas love everything about it the lights are one of my favorite things!
    thank you for the giveaway!

  34. It used to be Christmas until my twin boys were born. With their St Patrick's Day birthday, we are all about the green now, and celebrate with a huge family party.

  35. My favorite holiday hands down is Christmas, I love giving! :-)

  36. Love - Love - Love Halloween! Love the time of year - the chill in the air - the leaves falling - absolutely my favorite holday!

  37. These are all great answers (there is no wrong answer!) and I'll totally admit...Christmas? I'm all over that holiday! I love love love giving gifts. I adore seeing the expression on people's faces after giving them something special. And the decorations? I have a dozen *bins* of Christmas decorations in our attic right now. Every year my husband tells me I'm not going to buy any more decorations, but that never works out ;)


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