
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Hot Summer Nights with Laura Wright (Guest Post/Giveaway)

Good morning lovelies and welcome to Hot Summer Nights, and event hosted by us here at Reading Between the Wines and the amazing Shannon at Cocktails and Books! Today we are kicking things off with the fabulous romance author, Laura Wright!


It’s officially summertime. I know this because my kids are out of school, and running amuck. I wish they wouldn’t run that way, but again it’s summertime and children are allowed and even encouraged to be nutty in hot weather. At least I think that was what my mom used to say. She liked summer, liked seeing us outside and getting into trouble – the sweet, non-threatening, stay outa jail kind of trouble. After breakfast, she would send us outside where everything was conducive to amuck running: lots of old appliance boxes to make forts, a creek, old clothes for costumes, and a garden to plant and to pick from.
I remember planting all sorts of veggies with my mom and sisters: beans, peppers, tomatoes, rhubarb - watering it and watching it grow - then running to the house three doors down and stealing their cherry tomatoes which were already ripe and plentiful. (ahhh, summertime thievery.. the memories.. yeah, I know, so much for non-threatening, stay outa jail fun..)

These days I try to do the same outdoor fun, good time planting and growing for my kids. Here is our garden.

The summer sun in Southern California makes things grow quickly, and plentiful. Still, the taste of those tomatoes is never the same as the ones we grew back when I was a kid in Minnesota.
Hmmm..maybe I need to run to the neighbors and steal a few?

For the Mark of the Vampire book of your choice, tell me your favorite thing to plant and eat OR your favorite summertime memory from childhood J

Find out more about Laura and all of her awesome books at:

As Laura mentioned above, she is giving away one book from her fantastically awesome Mark of the Vampire series, winner's choice, to one lucky reader today. To enter, just leave a comment answering her question on this post and then fill out the rafflecopter below! Additional entries are available but not required. Good luck! 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I always plant peppers, tomatoes, severl different varieties of lettuce, spinach, green beans, potato and Swiss chard.

    We have a small orchard too (2 peach trees, pear, cherry and plum trees, some small fruits). And this year I also have watermelon. :)

    Thank you for the giveaway!! :)

    Andrea K.

  2. My favorite was picking raspberries:)

  3. I make my own salsa so I like to plant the bulk of the items so it can be as fresh as possible!

  4. i plant roses but that never worked...plant always dead in my small garden *sad*

    my favourite was when i was young my parents took me to strawberry field in west java...i picked a lot of strawberry and make them in to juice...yum :p

    thx u 4 the international giveaway :)

  5. My favorite is tomatoes. There is nothing like picking and eating a tomato right off the vine, juices running down your chin :). Unfortunately, I now live in the woods with no real sunlight. So Hubs and I can't garden - nothing grows :(. Thank you for the giveaway!


  6. i plant papaya.. it's delicious
    thanks for the giveaway :)

  7. When I was a kid, every summer, for one week, we went up to Maine to a small lake and rented two cabins with another family. The parents would take turns going out on the lake and fishing while us kids fished from the dock, splashed in the shallows, and just generally ran wild for the week. I loved it but it was always way too short a trip.

  8. I live in SC & have lived here all my life. I don't have a garden b/c I live in the country & the deer, foxes & other critters eat everything we plant. My favorite thing in the summer is a good tomato sandwich. One so juicy that it runs down your arm. Fresh bread, mayonnaise, salt, pepper & a few slices of a big juicy fresh from the vine tomato. Best summertime meal ever!

  9. I like planting and eating tomatoes, corn, and squash. We like to make it into a salsa or just enjoy eating tomato sandwiches. Yum!

  10. Growing up in PA, we always had a garden, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, herbs, etc and we just ran wild! Where we live now we have lots of critters, so I have a pot with basil and cherry tomatoes for my daughter to take care of. When we go home in the summer, my kids love to pick from the garden and berry bushes.

  11. I love planting all types of basil since I use the herb often to season whatever dish I'm cooking up.

  12. My favorite thing to plant and eat are pumpkins! And my favorite memory of summer is playing in the sprinkler, that was always such fun.

  13. Jalapenoes! I make fresh salsa all summer long.

  14. My favourite summer time memory from when I was little was of when my uncle came home for the summer from Boston and he'd bought us skittles and our dad told us if we planted them in the ground a skittle tree would grow or a rainbow i can't remember which now :) we planted some skittles and left them overnight,the next morning we woke up to find nothing had happened :D my little brother wasn't happy and went to see if the skittles were still there he dug it up and found loads of packets of skittles!! the two of us were delighted and had the biggest sugar rush!! every time i see a packet of skittles i remember that! :D Thanks for the interview with Laura and the giveaway!

  15. I love fresh veggies! I guess some of my faves are corn, zucchini, & tomatoes. I also love broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, lettuce, etc but usually just pick up at either Farmer's Market or the local produce store.

  16. LOL! My childhood was spent much the same way. My folks kicked us out of the house after breakfast and morning chores to run loose until the next meal. We grew a huge garden and I don't have a favorite, but I guess I'll say tomatoes.

    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  17. Thanks for a lovely post!

    I don't garden but I do love to buy fresh corn and green peppers. Yum :)

  18. I live on a farm so all of our veggies are fresh:) Some of my favorite childhood memories involve my birthday since it what kicks off Summer for us:)

  19. I love lillies. I think they are beautiful.

  20. I love to plant and eat peppers and strawberries.

  21. I love to plant tomatoes. Home grown tomatoes are incredible to eat.

  22. I love growing tomatoes in the summer. Nothing better than one you've grown yourself!

  23. My favorite memory is family vacations when I was a child. We almost always went to St. Petersburg, FL. The hotel was right on the beach, so it was very close and easy to walk to. Just out of the gate. The sand was soooo nice to play in. I would play for hours in the sand building castles and hunting for shells. It was so much fun. My Mom would sit on the beach with me and watch. Sometimes
    we even took the car to the beach
    and drove on it. That was one of
    the neatest things, especially when you're 6.
    luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

  24. There is nothing better than a homegrown tomato eaten immediately off the vine like an apple!!!

  25. I plant lots of things but my favorite is probably cucumbers.

  26. Okay. Pretty jealous of the garden there. I'm a total plant killer. I try every year but it never turns out all that well for the poor plants. I'm trying basil, tomatoes and eggplants this year. Things are on shaky ground at the moment ;)

  27. I love planting a good size garden; but most of all i love to make fresh salsa, so tomatoes, peppers and onions:)
    Great post, thank you for sharing.

  28. I love planting and eating cucumbers and tomatoes. Yum!

  29. My favorite summer memories are of going to the local movie lined up around the corner waiting for it to open..all that was needed was like $5 bucks for both my brother and me and we were set...air conditioned was a plus...go in around noon come out at know eyes hurting agaisnt the those days were awesome :)

  30. We have planted a bunch of stuff this year but I think my favorite are the tomatoes.

  31. Tomatoes, green onions, carrots, leaf lettuce, corn, green beans...watermelon and strawberries. If I could only grow ONE thing...I would choose tomatoes (I like them best...and we seem to somehow be better at it for some weird reason) Thx for the giveaway op! :)

    barbbattaglia @

  32. I love planting tomatoes in my grandmother's garden. It was so much fun.

  33. Hi
    My favorite summertime memory from childhood is riding in my bike and being out the whole day.

  34. My faves are herbs! Basil, persil, mint,... but my favorite vegetable is .... Pumpkin!!! I love to see them grow with they beautiful flowers and colors and they are great in many dishes and most of all for Halloween!!! Thanks for this chance!

  35. I couldn't grow anything if my life depended on it. My favorite thing this time of the year is cantaloupe! YUM!

    Best memory is eating my grandmothers tomatoes straight of the vine and her getting so mad at me because they weren't I proceeded to keep picking them and just took them over to the water spout off the side of the house to wash them off first!

  36. My mom's homemade potato salad, yummm. It's not summer without it :)

  37. I have a weird thing for tomatoes LOL


  38. It has to be tomatoes. There is nothing like a fresh from the vine, homegrown tomato for flavor.
    Unless it's a fresh from the tree, homegrown cherry...
    Mmmmm, I'm craving fruit now. LOL

  39. We always plant tomatoes and eggplant and in front I have herbs with lavender, thyme, rosemary, mint - that reminds me I need to plant the basal LOL Thank you for the fun:)

  40. I do not have a green thumb. I haven't attempted to grow anything in a very long time. I used to help tend the garden when I was growing up. We had corn, tomatoes, squash, beans and the like.

    geishasmom73 AT yahoo DOT com

  41. Love to plant tomatoes. We also have an apricot tree.

  42. My favorite memory is when i came to my grandma house, and she will cooked my favourite food and we were gonna eat together after that.

    thanks for the giveaway ^^


  43. We have chili peppers! I love a little spice to food!


  44. My thing to plant is tomatoes for my mom she loves them! Thank you for the great giveaway!


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