
Friday, May 18, 2012

Under Fire by Catherine Mann (Interview/Giveaway)

Crystal: Hi Catherine and welcome to Reading Between the Wines. Thank you so much for taking the time to join us today! Let’s start out by getting to know you a little better. What do you like to do when you’re not writing, do you have any hobbies?

CM: Hobbies, hmmm, my family insists I’m a type A workaholic, so I wouldn’t say I have standard hobbies.  I tend to stay on the go.  In my spare time, I volunteer at my local Humane Society, where I serve on their Board of Directors.  I also foster motherless puppies and special needs dogs for the shelter.  For relaxation, I love to read books by the pool or on the beach.

Crystal: And that brings us to my next question! I think it is wonderful that you volunteer for your local shelter; are you fostering any furry friends right now? 

CM: We had an especially exciting batch of fosters over Christmas.  A mother beagle came to the shelter in labor.  I fostered her, and her four puppies were born at my house.  They’ve all recently been adopted.  We’re eagerly awaiting the next litter of puppies.

Crystal: I bet, and I loved all the updates you posted on FaceBook about them! What are a few must-read authors for you? 

CM: Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Lisa Gardner, Courtney Milan, Joanna Bourne, Teresa Medieros, Jill Shalvis, Sarah Addison Allen, Tana French… my list goes on and on!

Crystal: Now please tell us about your romantic suspense series, Elite Force. What is the series about and how does each novel connect?

CM: My “Elite Force” novels focus on a team of air force pararescuemen (also known as pararescue jumpers or PJs).  The books take place all around the world as the PJs are called in to assist with military and civilian rescues.

CoverMeCrystal: Speaking of those sexy PJs that I have come to love and their adventures; was the series inspired by your husband’s military experience or any real-life events, or did it come to life straight from your imagination? 

CM: My husband is an air force aviator, and many of my earlier military series focus on flyboys. In one of my “Wingmen Warrior” stories, a heroine pilot fell for a pararescueman.  The notion of a PJ series tugged at me for years, and then the perfect opportunity came up with Sourcebooks!

Crystal: Just another reason to love Sourcebooks! Congratulations on the recent release of the third book in the series, Under Fire! Can you please tell us a bit about the novel?

CM: The hero and heroine met six months prior working on rescue missions after an earthquake – the hero as a PJ and the heroine with search and rescue dogs.  The heroine refused to date the three-time divorced hero… but when she begins pairing shelter dogs w/PTSD patients, a young lieutenant reveals an explosive secret about corruption at the highest military level.  After being brushed off by authorities and with threats coming at her left and right, she can only trust the hero…

Crystal: Without giving too much away, can you share a favorite scene with us?

CM: I had a blast writing the scene when the hero and heroine are on the run and end up in a seedy hotel with some rather uh, interesting results… and I loved writing the alligator scene.

Crystal: Wow, you've definitely peaked my interest there! What are three words or statements that would describe Liam’s character best? How about Rachel? 

CM: Liam – loyal, driven, patriotic.  Rachel – compassionate, intense, firecracker.

Crystal: Was there a novel or character in the Elite Force series that was harder to write than others? 

CM: There is a character that dies in the story.  That character’s complexity surprised me and the death wasn’t planned, but it made sense in the plot. I grieved for that character.

Love_Bites_Charity_eBookCrystal: Killing off a character is always hard. What’s next for you? Are there any projects that you’re currently working on, and do you have any more novels for the Elite Force series planned? 

CM: Thanks for asking!  I have a wonderfully packed release schedule ahead, all with a military or secret agent hero.

“Dog Tags” in LOVE BITES, HQN, June 2012
AN INCONVENIENT AFFAIR, “Alpha Brotherhood,” Harl Desire, Aug 2012
GUARDIAN, “Dark Ops,” Berkley, September 2012
“Home for Christmas,” in RESCUING CHRISTMAS, Harlequin, Nov 2012
ALL OR NOTHING, “Alpha Brotherhood,” Harl Desire, Jan 2013
FREE FALL, “Elite Force,” Sourcebooks, March 2013

Crystal: Thank you again, Catherine, for stopping by today! 

CM: Thank you for having me here! Did you know Saturday, May 19 is Armed Forces Day.  What is one of your favorite military movies?  Or a special military person in your life?

"Riveting action, to–die–for heroes!"—Suzanne Brockman, New York Times Bestselling Author
"Catherine Mann is one of the hottest rising stars around!"—Lori Foster, New York Times Bestselling Author
No Holds Barred, In Love or War...A decorated hero, pararescueman Liam McCabe lives to serve. Six months ago, her and Rachel Flores met in the horrific aftermath of an earthquake in the Bahamas. They were tempted by an explosive attraction, but then they parted ways. Still, Liam has thought about Rachel every day—and night—since.
Now, after ignoring all his phone calls for six month, Rachel has turned up on base with a wild story about a high–ranking military traitor. She claims no one but Liam can help her—and she won't trust anyone else.
With nothing but her word and the testimony of a discharged military cop to go on, Liam would be insane to risk his career—even his life— to help a woman who left him in the dust.
Add to your GoodReads shelf!


USA Today best-selling author Catherine Mann writes military suspense for Sourcebooks and Berkley as well as steamy romances for Harlequin Desire.  She and her military flyboy husband live in Florida with their children and menagerie of animals.

Sourcebooks is giving away one set of the Elite Force series (Cover Me, Hot Zone, Under Fire) to one US or Canadian readers. To enter, just leave a comment on this post answering Catherine's question and then fill out the Rafflecopter below. Additional entries are available  but not required. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'm an army brat myself. My dad spent 22 years in the Army including 2 tours in Vietnam. He's retired now and loving his travels via RV. He is one of the most stand up individuals I have ever met and I believe being in the Army helped with that.

  2. yes I know tomorrow is Armed Forces Day! My favorite military chick flick - An Officer and a Gentleman (just dated myself) - favorite manly military movie - Heartbreak Ridge. Special miliary person in my life - my dad - he was a Presidential Honor Guard for President Kennedy - and the stories he can tell! My dad has great love for his counry - something he instilled in us.

  3. PS - Those pups are just too dang cute!

  4. Hey there, Kassandra! Thank you for stopping by! My oldest son looooves RV camping - what a fun way to see the world. :)

  5. Wow, Erin! Your dad certainly would have some amazing stories to tell! What an incredible job to have. :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I didn't know that! My favorite movie would have to be G.I. Jane with Demi Moore! What an amzing movie and Those shorts on the instructors are just too hilarious!

    I really am super excited about Catherine Mann's books! They all look and sound so good! By the way I love the picture of you with the 4 puppies, that is just too dang cute!

    Thanks for stopping by, I always enjoy hearing about your new books Mrs. Mann!

    Alicia Jespersen

  8. Hey there Catherine! I am a newer reader and I am so happy to have found you!!!! Thank you for such great reads. My cousin Sean spent 18 months in Iraq and my son's cub scout den sponsored them. We would send them goodies, even romance novels... They loved everything!

  9. I love Top Gun!

  10. Exciting giveaway - great books

  11. Top Gun and An Officer and a Gentelman! Love those movies

  12. I loved An Officer and a Gentleman. I really enjoy watching the short videos people post of homecoming surprises. Whether the welcome be from dogs, parents or children I could watch them over and over again!

    These series looks fabulous. Thanks for opening up for Canadians too.

    Michelle Kelly

  13. Hi Catherine,
    The puppies are looking adorable!
    I love An Officer and a Gentleman, but my favorite is Top Gun. I can sit and watch this movie over and over.

  14. ::::waving::: Hey there, Alicia!! Thanks for stopping by!

    Kimberly - Thank you so much!! I'm happy to hear you're enjoying my books. :) And how awesome that you're son's cub scout den sent goodies and such to your cousin overseas - I know how very much those letters and support mean to the troops!

    Bdulin and Tina - Top Gun was the movie hubby & I saw on our first date!

    Thank you, JLHmass!

    Hi Heather and Heather - I looove the final scene of Officer and Gent when she puts on his hat as he carries her.

    Am off to write for the evening... deadline looms! Thanks so much, everyone, for making the day here so special!! XXXOO!

  15. I'm glad you support the military and highlight its remembrance days. My dad is a Navy vet and my mom is retired air force. I am so thankful for what they and so many others have done.
    As to favorite movie, I like the older ones from the 40s, 50s, and 60s. No particular favorite.

    Your book sounds great and I'm thankful for the opportunity to win it.

  16. Yes, and we'll be BBQ'ing with fellow military friends on that day.

    I've always been infatuated with military movies so I have a few: Top Gun (of course), Blackhawk Down, The Deer Hunter (my parent's favorite) and the recent Act of Valor.

    I do have a special military person in my life, and that would be my husband. We met nine years ago when he was just an E3 in the Navy. The thing I admire the most about him is his dedication and tenacity. In his spare time he volunteers with the Texas State Guard. Can you tell he's all military? LOL

  17. Yes, I did know that it's Armed Forces day. My dad was a career Air Force man, as was his father & brother. My sister also served in the Air Force. My "special" military person is my husband, who joined the Army 7 years ago. He makes me proud to be an Army spouse every day!

  18. Those puppies are so cute!

    My favorite military movie is Three Kings. I would like to say Dogfight (River Phoenix!) is my favorite but it probably doesn't qualify as a military movie.

    Thank you for the interview and giveaway! :)

  19. thanks for a fun interview and giveaway! You are an angel to foster puppies! I love 'em but they are so much work!

    I second the nomination for MASH and I always recommend the HBO miniseries Band of Brothers.

  20. Great interview. Love the puppies, but I'm a cat person. Love military stores, reading Lora Leigh's Elite Ops and loving them. Like military movies such as Top Gun, for other reasons than Tom Cruise, and movies about the Civil War.

    Thanks for the giveaway,

    Elizabeth Gray

  21. Thanks for the post, new to me author, but I recently saw one of the books and was intrigued. My fav movies, Saving Private Ryan or Behind Enemy Lines. Thanks for the chance to read these!

  22. My favorite military movie---Apocalypse Now...but my favorite military movie scene is in GIJane where Demi kicks Viggos fine hiney

  23. Favorite military chick flick would definitely be the classic... An Officer and A Gentleman. I really like GI Jane too!

  24. My favorite military movie would be Top Gun. Those puppies are adorable.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  25. Hi Catherine! I have been wanting to read your books but haven't had the chance to buy them yet. I love that you write about military Hero's especially our Flyboys. I have a very special military person in my life which is my son. He is in the Air Force and is stationed in Italy at the moment but will soon be going to Japan for 2 years. He enlisted 3 years ago right out of high school and I've only seen him 3 times in those 3 years. I am so proud of him but I miss him dearly.

  26. How about some older ones - The Longest Day or The Horse Soldiers.

  27. Good morning Vietnam.

  28. My favorite military show would be the TV series of MASH. Even though it ended when I was really young, I loved that show and still enjoy some old repeats of it.

    I would love to be a foster for a litter of puppies, but I would not want to let them go :)

  29. I think I would have to go with MASH as my fav Military program and for a movie I would have to go with Saving Private Ryan...
    Love your books Catherine..

  30. G.I Jane is the best military movie ever. It's got action, hot military men, humor and a woman kicking butt lol. BTW, I loved reading Cover Me :)

  31. i did know that, also my famiy is a military family since before i was born. My dad was in the Navy in Orlando and in 1969 was the 1st class to graduate from their and then 20 years later my youngest brother graduted from the same camp in 1994-1995? and his was the last class to go thru there. it was closed as soon as their boot camp was over.

    then i have a sister that was Navy in Washington,a broither that was Army in Fort Scott, and my other sister was married to an airforce man for more than 15 years ( i think that is the same as serving).
    this is not to mention all of the aunts/uncles/cousins and gradparents that have served pour country with pride and honor at being called upon. i was prevented from serving because of my health but i try and help were i can,charities/homeless vets(breaks my heart) any thing i can do to lighten their load and to show how very gratefull for the sacrifices that they and their families have made in order to make me and the rest of America the Land of the Free!

    thank you to all of the military and your loved one that suffer right along with you. Made God bless you and rain down his loving kindness upon you..

    tammy ramey

  32. Yes, I did know that May 19th is Armed Forces Day. I even make sure to spend time on this in my classroom.
    I come from a long line of military men, going all the way back to WWI. We have a special wall dedicated to all of our family members who have served from the Army, Air Force,and Coast Guard. No one in the Navy or Marines yet. I have 5 boys so I am sure a few will choose the military.

    My favorite military movie is Top Gun. I am a product of the 80's.

    bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

  33. the books sound great..

    my favourite movie is Top Gun and BlackHawk Down

    thanks for a chance to win ^^

    sunshine_pinkystar at yahoo dot com

  34. I would pick Saving Private Ryan.

  35. I like Top Gun and an Officer and a Gentleman and Saving Private Ryan. But as an Aussi I should probably vote for Under Hill 60 and Gallipoli.

  36. I liked Bridge on the River Kwai, and Top Gun, and Saving Private Ryan. They all mean something to me in different ways.

    I also think Battle: Los Angeles is quite alright!


  37. I did not know that. Saving Private Ryan is a good one. I also like A Few Good Men and Top Gun.

  38. I love the movie Saving Private Ryan. TV show would be MASH my hubby still loves to watch the old reruns.ov

  39. My favorite military man in my life is my husband he served 20 years in the Army. But he couldn't give up protecting people, so he has been a police officer for the last 15 years. The books sound wonderful and I'd love to read them.

  40. An Officer and a Gentleman and Top Gun are my favourite military movies. Also Jarhead.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  41. I didn't know that...thanks for enlightening me! My favorite military movies are An Officer and a Gentlemen, Top Gun, A Few Good Men and Taking Chance. Thx for the giveaway op! :)

    barbbattaglia @

  42. I did know that about the 19th. I wish it was promoted more. I have several favs - for romance I like Officer and a Gentleman, for hot hero - Dear John (Channing Tatum - hello!).

    bas1chsemail at gmail dot com

  43. The best military man in my life is my husband. He is retired now, but the fact he served is sexy to me in many different ways. sdylion(at)gmail(dot)com


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