
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

It's all about the ROMANCE... with Katie Rues of Alpha Instinct (Guest Post/Giveaway)

Happy Valentine's Day lovelies! I have a special guest with us today to celebrate the day of love during our It's all about the ROMANCE event, the amazing and fabulous Katie Reus! After you've read Katie's post make sure to check out my 4.5 wine glass review of her newest release, Alpha Instinct HERE. :)

Thanks so much to Crystal for letting me hang out with her on Valentine’s Day! Not gonna lie, Valentine’s Day has never been that big of a deal for me. Back when I was in college I waited tables and bartended my way through school so I always worked holidays, especially V-Day. Why? Much better tips! Guys aren’t going to be cheap in front of their dates. Do I like getting flowers and chocolate? Heck yeah, but if you forget the flowers, I’m cool. Just don’t forget that chocolate! Then you just might be in trouble.

For my first Valentine’s Day with my now husband we hadn’t been together that long and he pretty much bought out Target. Anything they had remotely related to V-Day, he bought and decorated my room with it. So when I came home from all day classes that day it was like red and pink threw up in my room. It was a really sweet gesture and made me love him even more. If only he’d known the way to my heart was through chocolate! Since then our Valentine’s Days have been totally relaxed. Normally we stay home, cook surf and turf and enjoy a bottle of wine together.

Today is officially one week after the release of Alpha Instinct, the first book in my new Moon Shifter series. In this book, Connor and Ana, the hero and heroine, have never spent a Valentine’s Day together. So, I wondered how their first Valentine’s Day would play out. This is what I imagined:

First, Connor’s got to decide what the hell to get Ana. Buying gifts is so not his thing. Immediately he’d go for not the standard flowers, but weapons. He’s so uber protective of her that he’d want to buy Ana a big gun or blade or maybe even a freaking sword. Of course he would realize the error of his ways after imagining Ana’s face when she takes the bow off her new…sword. Is that disappointment he sees? Why yes it is.

Come on, Connor, what’s she going to do? Strap it on her back while riding around the ranch? Or maybe she’ll take it with her to town because the humans aren’t scared enough of shifters. Okay, scratch the sword idea. Hmmm, she loves her horse, Adalita. And she loves riding. Now he’s thinking with the smart part of his brain. She needs a new riding jacket. But that means shopping. Ugh. Instead of going to the mall *shudder* he enlists Ana’s sister Noel to help him shop online and buys her a new riding jacket in four colors. If one new jacket is good, four are better. But that’s something she needs and he wants to get her something non-practical.

Shifters are a superstitious bunch, and big bad Alpha is afraid of screwing up their first Valentine’s Day so he also buys out Victoria’s Secret—though I question whether all the sexy lingerie is really for Ana or him. He also buys stock in Ghirardelli because well, he likes staying on Ana’s good side.

So after Ana opens up her gifts and they manage to carve out some alone time (it’s difficult on a ranch full of shifters!), he’s feeling quite satisfied with himself (for more reasons than the gifts) when they’re interrupted by pack business. While Connor is on the phone dealing with a mini-crisis, Ana notices something shiny peeking out of the pocket of his discarded pants. After picking it up she realizes it’s a small hair clip with three circular faux diamonds. It’s hers, from fifty years ago! She used to wear it back in the 1960s (it was fashionable, she swears) but thought she’d lost it. So why does he have it? When Connor gets off the phone he sees what she’s found and sheepishly admits he took it from her all those years ago because he knew he had to leave her. And he’s been carrying it around ever since. That knowledge is the best Valentine’s Day present she could have asked for.

Good luck topping that next year, Connor.

So, how do you feel about Valentine’s Day? Just another day? Or, tell me about your best or worst Valentine’s Day. Answer any of these questions to be entered to win a copy of Alpha Instinct (US only).

(In case you’re wondering, Ana bought Connor a sword with his family’s crest to display over their fireplace.)

Alpha Instinct official blurb:

Fear has a scent. So does desire… Ana Cordona has been a strong leader for the lupine shifters who survived after all the males and most of the females in her pack were mysteriously poisoned. As tough as she is, with no Alpha male, the pack is vulnerable to the devious shifter Taggart, who wants to claim both their ranch and Ana as his own. When Connor Armstrong comes back into her life, promising protection, it’s almost enough to make Ana forget how he walked out on her before—and reluctantly accept his offer to mate. The minute Connor sees Ana again, it reawakens a raw hunger. He must have her for his bondmate—his wolf cries out for it. But his human side knows he must proceed with caution because of their complicated past. If he is to truly have her body and soul, he must go beyond his burning desire and win back her heart. Whatever it takes, he is determined not to leave her side again. But Taggart and his rival pack are not their only enemies. A human element in town is targeting shifters. Their plan not only threatens Ana and Connor’s future, but the lives of the entire pack…

A little about me: I’ve been reading romance since a young age—ever since I discovered my mom’s hidden stash. Luckily the addiction stayed with me into adulthood. I write paranormal romance and sexy romantic suspense for Carina Press, Harlequin Nocturne, and NAL/Signet Eclipse. To learn more about me please visit my website, my blog, facebook or find me on twitter @katiereus.

Thanks so much for stopping by today!

As Katie mentioned above, she is giving away one copy of Alpha Instinct to one US reader! To enter, just leave a comment answering the question in her post and then fill out the RaffleCopter below with your name and email address. Additional entries are available but not required. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Valentines Day? I never really understood how various martyrdom equals what we currently celebrate. Plus, everyone is the most whiny about it. If it's not about how they have to do something for Valentine's Day, it's how we need to appreciate how single they are.

    I don't really celebrate it with my husband. He might bring me some chocolates if he feels inclined, but it's not like the date has any significance to us as a couple and therefore, we don't generally go out of our way to celebrate it.

  2. Hey - I don't really love Valentine's day - don't get me wrong, I LOVE chocolate and who doesn't love a cute little stuffed bear - but it seems silly. It appears to be a sellers holiday. I am hoping to spend the evening with one eye on a movie while I drink wine with my boyfriend (of course I will be working on my blog too!)
    Thanks for hosting.

  3. I love V-day! But unfortunately, my Hubs says it is a worthless holiday, so we never celebrate.

  4. I'm not crazy over V-Day (course, I've never had anyone special to celebrate, which could be part of the reason why I'd rather it just pass on by). However, I have to say that Connor's V-Day was both entertaining and sweet to read! Now I need to read this book to find out how their relationship works out on "regular" days. :D


  5. Well I've been married 19 years and V-day has become just another day. I wish it wasn't so I try, make cupcakes with the kids and get hubby a card, make a nice dinner. We'll see what happens this year. Maybe flowers! Thanks for giveway!

  6. Good point about the martyrdom, Fry! That seems to have happened with other holidays too. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. It is definitely a sellers holiday, Beverly, though I do want my chocolate. Of course that doesn't really have much to do with V-day, lol. I finally had to put a stop to the hubs buying me stuffed bears and stuff!

  8. Aww, boo Jenna! Sorry you don't get to celebrate when you love it! I hope it ends up being a good day for you :)

  9. Thanks TBQ!! I was hoping ya'll would like it. I was giggling to myself when I wrote it :)

  10. That sounds really nice, Laurie! And you had me at cupcakes...maybe you could send a couple my way? ;) Happy Valentine's Day!

  11. aww, Connor's v-day story about the clip is sweet :) I have been married for almost 10 years now, so Valentine's Day is not the biggest day for us. We like to celebrate with a really nice date, but usually it's not actually on V-day, since we have a tough time getting sitters that day... but, we do something a little extra special for date day. Other than that, we don't go crazy. Thanks for the post and contest, and Happy Valentine's Day! Book Savvy Babe

  12. I don't really celebrate Valentine's Day. Why should we just have one day; it should be every day. Thanks for the giveaway.


  13. I L-O-V-E Valentine's Day. Just as people roll their eyes and ask 'how can you not be into Christmas?' I have the same attitude about V-day. How can you not enjoy a social holiday where love is being celebrated? Granted I've always treated it as being about ALL kinds of love not just romantic love so I've never had a reason to hate it...

    Well except what would have been my first Valentine's with my now husband. It's a long and complicated story and involved his ex... who has since apologized for what she did (being young and foolish is forgivable so we're cool now).

    I usually buy my man a new cologne since it's a week before his birthday and a big gift is on it's way. It's the gift that gives to him AND me. There's a reason authors of PNR especially mention the way characters smell. ;)

    Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

  14. I'm a bit anti-valentine's day. We really don't do anything for each other anymore. We would rather celebrate birthdays and mothers and fathers day. Don't really know why...I will buy myself some candy but all the teddy bears hearts and flowers..not for me..This is much more my style..Call this number 617-502-8296 and hear an anti It's a free call brought to you by the same people who brought you The Rejection Hotline...LOL

  15. Valentines means to me a day were you can really show that special someone how much they truely mean to you. And its not all about spending money on flowers and candy there are so many things you can do that are free like cooking them breakfast with maybe some handpicked flowers.

    romancebookjunkiesdanielle at

  16. Aww, that's sweet Book Savvy Babe! Date day is important and I totally understand not being able to get a sitter on V-day :) Thanks for stopping by!

  17. It's definitely not a holiday for everyone, Joanne (and I agree it should be everyday, lol) :) Thanks for stopping by today!

  18. Aww, I totally love your attitude Rhianna (and your name!). That's a good way to look at it, why not celebrate love! And that's sweet of you to be forgiving; we've all been young and stupid at some point ;) Happy Valentine's Day!

  19. The Rejection hotline is funny so I'm sure that's funny too! Thanks for stopping by, Mary :)

  20. Exactly Danielle! You don't have to spend a lot of money. It's all about the thought. Thanks for stopping by!

  21. Valentine's Day = Singles Awareness Day :(

    kristad324{ AT }gmail{ DOT }com

  22. I normally don't thing much about Valentines Day but this yr my hubby got me a Kindle so I loved it.

  23. I think my worst Valentine's Day was the year my ex-husband, we were married at the time, bought me a wooden breadbox for Valentine's Day. He was always a romantic devil. Thus the ex part.

  24. Yup - Valentines is pretty much just another day for me - except I get to use it as a reason to have chocolate.
    sallans d at yahoo dot ocm

  25. Happy Valentine's Day, Katie and Crystal! ~ My husband and I don't really celebrate much on Valentine's Day. We usually just get cards for each other and maybe have a nice dinner at home. We have kids, so it's more difficult, especially since our little one's birthday is 02/13! That was sweet what your husband did for the first year. Poor guys, they never really know how much or how little to do at first. ;)

  26. At least it's an excuse to eat chocolate Krista (not that anyone actually needs an excuse) :) Thanks for stopping by!

  27. That is the best present ever, Anna! As a kindle addict myself, I know you're going to love it! Hope you get some fantastic books :)

  28. That's pretty bad, Linda. I get why he's your ex :) Hope this Valentine's day is better!

  29. I'm all about the chocolate, Di! :) Thanks for stopping by.

  30. It's true, Tina! It's like they're operating in the dark without a flashlight :) I can imagine how hard it is with kids! We only have one but he's young. I have a feeling when he's older it'll be either get a sitter or our Underworld tradition won't happen! Thanks for stopping by!

  31. Valentine's Day is just another day for me. No one ever sends me flowers. My sister gave me chocolate, though.

    Elizabeth Gray

  32. The worst Valentine's Day I had was a long long time ago. I got a skillet for a present. I almost hit him with it. That's all I got, the skillet.
    And guess what, I didn't cook him dinner with it either.
    luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

  33. One of my most memorable/fave V'days has nothing to do with romance. I was in my mid 20's and on bed rest due to blood clots. My sister brought her children over and we spent the day piled up on a pull out sofa watching movies and eating popcorn. This definitely helped to pass the time. My family also always made sure I had plenty of books to read during this time.

    manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

  34. Since Valentine's Day is a really established day, I think it should be acknowledged, but one doesn't have to go crazy. A small thought gift would be great (chocolate, come on guys!). Sweetest Day to me is garbage. I wouldn't toss away a gift and say what are you thinking, but I think it's nouveau commercial.

  35. I get the concept of Valentines Day. But, I have or ever will make a big deal out of it. Small gift for my girls to let them know I love them dearly and the same for my hubby. But they know that already.


  36. I think Valentines Day is a fun idea but I don't obsess about it.

  37. I always loved Valentines Day but now its just a day but always love chocolate! my mom always gets me something I love the little things the most :)

  38. I've been married for 20 yrs so Valentines Day isn't what it used to be. It's still nice and my hubs always buys me a nice gift (usually jewelry) and takes me out to dinner. But...I guess, it's become predictable. So...while's not something I look forward to.

    barbbattaglia @

  39. I love Valentine's Day, the Love it! But now that the hubby and I have three small children the romance has taken a nose dive. Doesn't stop my perfect husband from buying me something nice though =)

    A freaking sword would be a GREAT Valentines day gift =) Congrats on your release Katie!

  40. Valentine's is generally just another day in my house. As my husband tells me, he shows me his love everyday. But he did surprise me this year with a gift, a ring from Tiffany's that I had my eye on.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  41. My husband and I dont really do anything for Valentines Day. We get the kids a little something though.

    Rachel V
    pefrw at yahoo dot com

  42. Oh Connor is so sweet!!!
    For the most part Valentine's Day is just another day because you have to go to work or school. But after work, it is a day for a nice dinner out with the family. Thanks for the giveaway!
    beckerjo at verizon dot net

  43. We don't really celebrate Valentines Day. It was fun when I was a kid handing out all of my valentines but now it just seems like a waste of money.

    on another note, I cannot wait to read this book. It sounds like a really good read.

  44. We don't really do anything special as we tend to celebrate our love each and every day.

  45. My husband and I don't usually celebrate Valentine's on the actual day unless it happens to be a day off. We usually make a nice dinner on the following weekend.


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