
Monday, May 9, 2011


Good morning all you lassies and laddies out there! Guess what today is? Besides Monday of course. It's the start of five days of nothing but Highlanders! That's right, five whole days of sexy warriors in kilts - or plaid, the strong women behind them and the rolling hills and countless lochs of Scotland. 
I've been planning this wee event for a while now and am so excited to start it. There's a little schedule & button on the left sidebar <~ there, which will be linked up daily, and I would love it for anyone who can to spread the Highlander Luv! We're going to have lots of author posts, daily giveaways and reviews too! So hopefully ye will find some great new reads and have some fun along the way.

So I mentioned some sexiness in kilts didn't? Well, let's get on to some...


And now a...

I had a few ideas for a fun contest but there is a lot of Highlander lurv going on right now (Yay for Highlanders!) and I dinnae want to do some of the same things so....I thought up a fun little contest of,

Which Celeb Would Make the Best Highland Warrior?

And here are our contestants:
Oh, Oh, I want to vote! I ken who mine would be... ;)

Celeb Stats:

To enter, just fill out the form below! 
Want to ken what yer playing for? Well, that is a surprise! But I will tell ye this, the prize will have a few Scottish/Highlander books and goodies to it! Dinnae worry, it will def. be worth yer time! 
I'll open this internationally but the international prize may vary. Contest will end at 11:59pm on May 21st. This will also be the end of all the other giveaways as well. 
Woohoo, let's begin!
Lang may yer lum reek!


  1. So very excited. Love me some Highlander stories. My #1 favorite read.I'm a GFC follower under Lucky47. There's a new Blog started by Sue Ellen Welfonder and Karen Ranney all about Scotland and her kilted Highlanders. It's called Tartan Ink. Thanks for the opportunity.
    Carol L

  2. this sucka was too fun to play! now, i'll be thinking of highlanders all day. funny how i was eyeing the Highland Wolf on top of one of my stacks earlier.

    now, i have reason to pick it up!

    thanks Crystal for all of the funness and lil contest! =)

  3. *drools* Mmmmm... men in kilts. *goes back to drooling*

  4. Great post! Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  5. competition here girl! Imma vote Gerald Butler all the way. That man is HOT!

  6. LOL that was fun!

    Thanks for making my mind wonder Crystal! :)

  7. Awesome event, Crystal! I'm looking forward to all the fun posts for Highlander Week because like everyone else, I love me some highlanders! :)

  8. Wonderful droolworthy and fun Crystal thanks for this fun giveaway... I hate to see what the outcome of the voting is going to be because for me almost every question had a different celeb answer!

  9. oh that was hard LOL I could stay with same answer :)

  10. LoL I'm glad you all liked the post!
    I know my answer to every question would be Gerard Butler, that man in FINE!

  11. (Comment Re-Post)
    oh that was hard LOL I could stay with same answer :)

  12. (Comment Re-Post)
    LoL I'm glad you all liked the post!
    I know my answer to every question would be Gerard Butler, that man in FINE!

  13. OMG. Highlander week. How awesome. I still love my historical romances involving highlanders. I want them all. LOL. Anyways - thanks for the great competitions. Will join them all now ...


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