
Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday Book Blogger Hop, Follow & Tag Along! (03/25)

Photobucket18 & Over Book Blogger Tag Along Friday is hosted by Laurie at Bitten by Paranormal Romance.

18 and over book blogger tag along is for a specific group of book bloggers. 18 and over book bloggers primarily have on their blog book reviews and posts of adult content. 
It doesn't matter what you read if it’s paranormal, suspense, historical, contemporary or mystery, along with erotic with any genre. As long as it is adult then you’re in.

Laurie's question of the week: Where is you favorite place to buy or swap books? 
There aren't any little book stores close or even used book stores so I do most of my shopping at BAM or BAM/Barnes & Noble online for my ereader. I like to get all my favorites in print as well. 
How about you? Do you go to an actual store or do you do all your shopping online?  

Have a great weekend everyone! XOXO


  1. My closest book store thats over a half hour away and it is a Barnes and Noble. So I do most my shopping online usually amazon. I am a cheap girl.

    Oh I got your email and have already started putting together your interview. Thanks so much. I think its posting the first Sat. in May!!

  2. Hi,

    Stopping by for the tag along.
    I have never heard of these store.
    Must check them out sometime!

    Have a wonderfull weekend!

  3. I wish I had a small, cozy book store nearby. But amazon has to satisfy all of my cravings nowadays. :( Have a sexy weekend!

  4. Good used bookstores seem to be a dying breed, but I still hunt them out whenever travelling - you never know what you'll stumble upon.

    Sally @ Bibrary Bookslut

  5. Hopping through on the 18 & over. I travel alot so where ever I am I try to find that towns used book store.
    I do find some good deals online at thriftbooks from time to time.

  6. Thanks for stopping by and following my blog. I'm an old follower. I love your blog! I'm glad I'm glad I'm not the only one who is a book germaphobe. :) I don't have any kids but I know when I do I'll be wiping down everything with disinfecting wipes lol.

    Have a great weekend!

    Lacey in the Sky with Books

  7. I wish I had a local bookstore. I actually end up doing most of my book-buying on-line.

  8. Thank you for stopping by my blog, and have a great weekend!

  9. Hey Crystal!

    Thanks for hopping by! All the ones I have doesn't stop me from getting more. *grins*

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  10. Hi! Coming through with the tag along. I'm still a bookstore girl--go every Friday night with friends.

    Hope you're having a great weekend!



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