
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Author Tina Folsom - Guest Post & Giveaway!

Today I have the very sweet and talented author Tina Folsom joining us today! You don't know how excited I was when she agreed to stop by for a guest post, but let me put the nerdy fan girl back in the box and let Tina get on with her post. LoL
Welcome Tina, thank you SO much for joining us today!

When I was invited to do a guest post on Reading Between the Wines Book Club and told I could write about anything I wanted, I thought, Oh Boy, there are so many choices. And frankly, that’s why it took me a while to figure out what to talk about. I didn’t want to do something that’s too much like other guest posts I’d done in the past, but at the same time I know you guys want something that relates to my books. And you know what happens when you have too many choices: it’s like standing in front of a huge buffet. But I digress.

So, I figured I’ll tell you a little about the daily dilemmas I deal with. When I started writing in late 2008, my biggest worry was that I would run out of ideas and that I’d be a one-book-wonder. Well, not really wonder, but you know what I mean. I shouldn’t have worried about that, because now my biggest dilemma every day is: when will I find time to write this?

The truth is, I have too many ideas and too little time. And that realization hit me right after Christmas 2010. Sales for my Scanguards Vampires series had started to really take off, more and more reviews fluttered in, and readers started to email me and ask when the next book would be released. That’s when panic set in. I hadn't planned on releasing the forth book (Yvette’s story) in the series until the summer of 2011. On my own little publishing schedule, I’d made a note to write the second book in the Out of Olympus series first.

Only, the first in the series, A Touch of Greek, wasn't selling as well as the Scanguards series despite its five- and four-star reviews. That’s when my next wave of panic hit me. Was I losing my touch? Was I writing something that the readers weren't looking for? Maybe Greek Gods would never take off. There isn't really a true sub-genre in romance that covers Greek Gods the way there is for Vampires. Was I trying to impose a new sub-genre on readers when they were perfectly happy with the existing ones?

I still don’t have answers to these questions, however, I have decided to satisfy my Scanguards readers first, and release Yvette’s story in April. But book #2 in the Out of Olympus series, Dionysus’ story, will be next. I still believe that Greek Gods have a great appeal, but maybe it will just take a little while longer for them to permeate through the general reader population. At least in the Young Adult genre, Greek Gods seem to have taken hold - see Percy Jackson and the Olympians - and it might only be a matter of time until adults latch on.

But Scanguards Vampires and Out of Olympus are not my only series. I also started a new historical Vampire series in December: Venice Vampyr. They are novellas, so about 1/3 of the length of my regular novels, and more sexually explicit. Two novellas are already published, and I hope to write a third one in between Yvette’s and Dionysus’ stories, sort of as a little relaxation between two long novels.

Recently I also received a reader email, asking whether I’ll be continuing my Captured Viking series. There’s only one short story out so far: Captured to Breed, but it is set up to be a trilogy. Again, I would love to write the next in the series, but there are just not enough hours in the day.

Writing series is very rewarding, because you can get a really loyal following of readers, but at the same time it can also put pressure on the author who can’t keep up with releasing the next books fast enough. So, dear readers, I heard all your requests, I've taken them to heart, and I will eventually get around to writing all those different stories, but please be patient. It takes time to write a good book. And I don’t want to compromise on quality.

The good thing about being an indie author is that I can release a book as soon as it’s ready. Authors who work for publishers have to wait between 12 to 18 months for their book to be released after they’re done writing it. I just don’t have that kind of patience.

Thanks for having me on your blog today, and make sure to enter the giveaway. Also please check out my blog and enter the Nook Color giveaway, which is still open until January 24.
You can find more of Tina at:


Tina has graciously offered one paper back copy of Gabriel's Mate to U.S. readers and one e-copy to international readers!

To enter just leave a question or comment for Tina and 
fill out this form

Giveaway will end at 11:59pm on Feb. 3rd. A winner will be chosen using and emailed, the winner then has 48 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen. 
*Comments are not your entry, you must fill out the form above.
I've read this novel and it is awesome, you'll love it!
Good luck! 


  1. Hi Crystal and Tina!

    I just wanted to drop by and say Hi and and say how much I LOVE your books. I have been telling everyone I know to read your books!

    YAY! I can't wait to read the next installments of the Scanguard vampire series and the Venice Vampy series! Tina I hope you do not stop there and plan on writing many more additions to the Scanguard Vampiresw series and the Venice Vampyr series. These vampires are so sexy and at the same time I love their personalities! Can't get enough of them.

    I am also going to buy the "A Touch of Greek" series since i know I will not be disappointed with the writing.

    Please don't stop writing these series! I LOVE THEM! :)

  2. Hi Tina,
    I'm not a writer but I have a project list from her to China and I just don't have enough time to get it all done. Great post!


  3. That was an interesting interview. I personally love the greek myths and would love to read any of your books.

  4. Tina, I'm amazed by how speedy and versatile you are. I've loved all your books and imagine I would, no matter what you wrote about! Congrats on all your success!

  5. How crazy is this? I JUST heard about you for the first time yesterday and then find Crystal has ya guesting today. Cool!

    I had no idea what you were writing until this post so kudos to Crystal for getting you some exposure Tina. :) I'll have to go see what you've got I might enjoy.

    I can completely relate to that "omg when will I have time to write?" thing. As a reviewer/blogger and busy mom I am always reading while doing other things just to fit it in. I can't imagine trying to write with people's expectations riding on my back. lol I am sure your loyal fans will stick by you even if you can't churn books out overnight. I know I do that with authors I love.

    Okay, rambling now... I'm off to look into your work!

  6. Hm ... I would love more Vikings! Not sure why, but they push my buttons - why did you choose to write the things you write about? (not closing it off to only Vikings ...)


  7. DarkBloodyVamp, don't worry, I have no plans on ever stopping. I have at least 7 books planned in the Scanguards Series, 4 in the Out of Olympus, and possibly 6 in the Venice Vampyr series.

    Danielle, I think I invented lists when I was 6 years old. I still do them everyday.

    Debbie, thank God, one more reader for my Gods!

    Virna, thanks!

    Rhianna, thanks! I hope you find something you'll like.

    Ammy Belle, I really love my heroes with a little bite! (pun intended). So, anything with fangs always works for me. Ever since I saw Gary Oldman in Dracula, I was aware of the inherent sensuality in vampires. That's why I have so many vampires in my books. But I love those mischievous Greek Gods too. They ares so much fun and at the same time so sexy. And don't get me started on the Vikings: total hunks!
    Frankly, too many men, too little time!

  8. Great guest post! I just applaud anyone who can write. I can't even imagine the pressure. I will definitely be checking out your books!

    Thanks for the great post!

    Waving to Crystal!

  9. Hi Tina - Don't worry about whether the Greek Gods will find an audience, I think that as more people read Scanguards, at least some of them will enjoy your writing enough that they'll give the Greek Gods a chance, even if that's not normally what they read. Personally, I loved A Touch of Greek and I'm looking forward to more.

    I also love that you are able to set your own schedule for publishing. I hate having to wait 12 mos between books and I think you'll get lots more fans that way also.

    I've already got Gabriel's Mate, so not entering the contest, but I'll be waiting for Yvette's story.

  10. Thanks Ing & Rad Hall.
    Thanks JenM for the encouragement.

  11. OMG 7 books in the Scanguard Vampire series and 6 in the Venice Vampyr series total! YAY! I am so excited! Thank you Tina for continuing to feed my obsession with these wonderful vampires in these series! Can't wait to find out what happens next with these sexy vampires. :)

  12. I am SO happy to hear that there will be plenty more Scanguard Vampires and Venice Vampyrs too!

    And I agree that it is pure awesomeness that Tina can get her books out so fast to her readers. It is so hard sometimes to wait 12-18 months for the next book in your favorite series to be released. But I'm not really a patient person to begin with, my kids take what little I have. LoL

    Thanks for coming by for Tina's guest post and giveaway everyone! The giveaway is open until the 3rd and Tina will be answering your questions and comments so make sure to spread the word.
    And of course, thank you again to the wonderful Tina Folsom for stopping by!
    Have a great weekend everyone =)

    Hi Rhi, Hi Ing! =)

  13. I have heard so many good things about this author lately! I love blogs like these that help spread the word about great authors! I will be reading her work very soon!

    Thank you very much!

  14. I have Venice Vampyre that I won from another blog but haven't had a chance to read it yet with school. Maybe next week when the homework is caught up! Can't wait to get to it!

    meredithfl at gmail dot com

  15. I bought Sampson's Lovely Mortal on my Kindle. I haven't gotten a chance to read it yet, but I read the first I know it's going to be a good book! lol!

  16. Although I'm new to this series, I'm always looking for something new to start! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

    Nocturnal Bites

  17. This looks like an awesome read- I'm wanting to try it out very much!
    I'm the kind of gal that likes to sit down with a good book and find a quiet spot to delve into the world of mystery and fiction.
    Thanks so much!

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