
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Friday Book Blogger Hop, Follow & Tag Along! (4)

Book Blogger Hop

This week's question comes from Vicki who blogs at The Wolf's Den:

"What are your feelings on losing followers? Have you ever stopped following a blog?"

BLOG HOP CHALLENGE:  With this in mind, I have a challenge for you.  This challenge will take some dedication on your part this week.  I want you to find ONE blog in the Hop list that you genuinely WANT to follow (try to find a new blog, if you can!) and make at least 5 comments on their blog this week on 5 different posts.  Get to know this blogger and what they post about.  Next week, as part of your Hop post, I want you to post about your experience with this challenge.  Just tell us what you thought of the challenge, who you found to follow and link to the posts that you commented on  I hope you will participate and help us all to build our community!  Let's dig a little deeper and get to know each other!  Remember, the point is to be genuine!  Not to follow for the sake of following!  Because, if you are genuine, you are much more likely to get people to follow you back.  Trust me on this.

Note:  If you can't find a new blog to follow, then go ahead and use one of your already followed blogs that is in the Hop list.

I know it's not Friday yet but I'm trying to get an early start since I'll be out most of the day tomorrow. I'm chaperoning my daughter's first field trip, wish me luck!

Anyhoo, to the question. And this is so funny because I actually was going through this the last two days. And I'll be honest, I was checking out my blog list Tuesday and there was just so many blogs on there from follows & hops or just everyday browsing I realized I was missing a lot of stuff I was interested in because I didn't have the time to go through the whole list on my dashboard. So I started going through them all and stopped following a few blogs *ducks head* (Though I still follow a ton, anyone know how many book blogs total are out there? Yikes!), every blog I have been to is great in it's own way and I didn't stop following any of them because there was something wrong or I didn't like, for me it just got to be too much to go through everyone everyday that I had to kind of prioritize. I did however make sure to stay following everyone who is a follower of mine, and then my whole dashboard took a crap I don't know what um...if I missed you I am so sorry and please let me know because I will add you back on! 

Which leads us to the first part of the question about my own followers. This blog really just started out in Sept. as a lil' blog for our little book club I started with a few friends. I was bit nervous doing it because there are SO many book blogs out there it's a bit intimidating and some of them are made of just pure awesomeness but I thought it'd be fun to do and I was super surprised I started getting any followers at all. *blushes* So thank you to everyone who has followed, I am so very grateful. 
BUT today I did actually loose my first follower, *sniff, sniff*. I do feel a bit sad but really, that is fine. If what you find here doesn't interest you then I don't expect you to follow, to each their own. I'm not doing this for the blog count, like I said, it's fun. Don't get me wrong, I do get really excited when I do have a new follower. You like me, you really like me! LoL But I don't have the time or resources to post everyday and I know some bloggers out there prefer that and everyone has their own tastes. *Shwew* Super long answer, sorry. Probably not the popular answers either *winces* but it's the truth.    

And if you just want to stop by every now and then that is great too. Hi & welcome, thanks for cruising by. Leave me a comment to let me know too! =)

Question of the week

Monica @ The Bibliophilic Book Blog

Who are your favorite authors??

Wow, this could be a REALLY long I will save you and list my top 10. =)
6. JR Ward 
And you can view all my other fave authors listed on my sidebar under "FAB Authors & Series"

So again, thank you so much for stopping by. I really do appreciate your time. And if you like what you see here don't be shy, comment or click the 'follow' button. Leave me your blog link and I'll make sure to check ya' out too ;-). If you decide to follow let me know and I will for sure return the love. 

Oh and I have a giveaway too you can check out. Just click on the cover <~ for your chance to win a signed copy of Jane and the Damned by Janet Mullany. Great book BTW. 

I hope everyone has a lovely book filled weekend!


  1. Hiya!
    Stumbled upon your blog because of Parajunkee's Friday Follow, and I wanted to praise you for your follower suggestion--if people commented for 5 days, that would be fantastic! I LOOVE your artwork of Bones and Cat, btw--fantastic! I'm so glad I stumbled upon your blog, and I hope you'll visit mine :-)

    Re: your question about followers -- sadly, I fall into the not 1000+ category LOL But the traffic is getting better, so I try to take solace in that ;-)


  2. I'm always a little bummed when I lose followers but make every effort to
    turn every lost follower into a learning experience so I can improve my

    On the flip side, I only stop following people when they give me a reason to
    such as being totally off message or being too controversial in an negative,
    over-the-top way.

    Happy Book Blogger Hop Friday!

    Howard Sherman

  3. Back from field trip and WOW, props to all teachers out there!

    Welcome Eva! I just checked out Darkeva and returned the love, very nice BTW.

    Aww...thanks Straylights! I ♥ yours too, you crack me up!

    Thanks for stopping by Howard!

  4. Thanks for stopping by, Crystal! I hope to see you again soon, and I'm definitely going to check in here again :-)

  5. Just dropping by with the 18+ Tag Along. Happy Friday!

  6. You def. will Eva. =) I left a comment too but I don't know if it will show up, those type of comment forms don't like me for some reason.

  7. Happy Blog Hop Friday!

    Love your site! I'm a new follower!

    I have too many fav authors to name...which is a good thing, I guess. :-D But I agree with most that you've listed! Especially Showalter! She's a favorite of mine!

    Have a great weekend!

    Lisajo85 @ Once Upon A Chapter

  8. Hi Crystal,
    I totally did a double take when I scrolled down and saw your man candy. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving the great comment.:)

    Romance Book Junkies

  9. Hey Crystal! Thanx for stopping by! I hope that your weekend is going great!!

    My Bloody Fairy Tale

  10. Here for the 18+ hop. I really love your site, and am a new follower!

  11. Just dropping in to say have a wonderful weekend :)!


  12. Just wanted to say... I linked back to your website from your picture, which I put on my blog. Thank you so much for linking back to mine. I appreciate it and I love your blog :)


Due to time constraints we may not be able to personally respond to every comment made, but we do read and appreciate them all. 📚❤️🙂

✋ RBtWBC has a zero-tolerance policy for review harassment and author bashing. Such comments will be deleted at the the blog's discretion.